Page 66 - QA2024
P. 66
Special Award for Small Enterprises and Start-ups
Saicome Industries Limited
Report Summary 報告摘要
Provided by Saicome Industries Limited 本報告摘要由世錦實業有限公司提供
Company Background 公司背景
Founded in 1990, Saicome is one of Hong Kong’s pioneering industrial companies, 成立於1990年,世錦實業有限公司
specializing in rechargeable power tools and battery products, adapting to technological (Saicome,下稱世錦)是香港最早期專注
advancements and market dynamics. Over the last decade, leadership has transitioned 於可充電電動工具及電池產品的工業企業之
in steps to the second generation, marking a new era of growth and innovation. 一。 隨著技術的進步和市場需求的變化,公
Saicome excels in Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) and Original Equipment 司不斷調整發展策略,以保持競爭優勢。在
Manufacturing (OEM) projects such as rechargeable battery management systems, 過去十年間,領導層有序的傳承到第二代管
DC power tools, garden tools, pet tools, and home appliances. With robust R&D 理層,為企業帶來了新一輪的增長與創新。
expertise, the company collaborates with international clients, delivering innovative 世錦在原創設計製造(ODM)和原設備製
solutions, earning a strong industry reputation. 造(OEM)方面表現優異,涉足可充電電
As a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) in Hong Kong, with a subsidiary plant 物工具及家用電器等多個領域。憑藉強大的
in Mainland China, Saicome benefits from a slim yet highly efficient structure, as well 研發實力與國際客戶緊密合作,提供創新解
as the strategic location and international relations of Hong Kong. This advantageous 決方案,並在業界贏得了良好聲譽。
position facilitates business development and fosters a corporate culture that contributes
to industrial growth. Over the years, the company has launched numerous successful 世錦在中國大陸設有附屬工廠,受益於精簡
products while maintaining agility to adapt to market changes and competition. Today, 高效的運營結構以及香港的地理優勢和國際
Saicome has produced over 30 million products, developed more than 200 projects, 關係,促進工業增長的企業文化。多年來,
partnered with over 50 brands, and shipped to more than 30 countries worldwide. This 公司成功推出了二百多款產品,並在市場變
global reach underscores the company’s ability to meet diverse customer needs and 化中保持了高度的靈活性。產品銷往全球30
expand its market presence. 多個國家及品牌。這一國際覆蓋範圍滿足多
In 1996, founder Mr. K.K. Wong led a factory
tour for foreign guests.
66 2024 HKMA Quality Award Souvenir Programme