Page 14 - HKMA Training Award 2019 Souvenir Programme
P. 14
Message from Mr Helmuth Hennig
Mr Helmuth Hennig
The Hong Kong Management Association
Technological and digital innovation are reshaping the future of work. It has triggered urgent calls for organizations
to prepare for the challenges of digital transformation. While the new generation of digital workers is expecting more
flexibility and autonomy from work, human resources professionals play a crucial role in redefining the way we work, learn,
hire, retain, manage and make decisions to ensure the continued success of business in this digital economy.
The Hong Kong Management Association has honoured exceptional achievement in human resources management
through the Award for Excellence in Training and Development since 1990. And we are pleased to see that many
organizations in Hong Kong have paved the way for sustainable business success by building an agile and persevering
On behalf of the Association, I wish to thank most sincerely the Panel of Adjudicators and the Board of Examiners for their
invaluable contribution in the judging process. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to all members of the
Organizing Committee under the chairmanship of Mr Anthony Rushton for making this award one of the most prominent
events in the human resources profession in Hong Kong. My special gratitude goes to all the sponsors for their generosity
and support.
I would like to congratulate all the winning organizations and trainers for their commitment to people development and
for inspiring other companies and top management to invest in people. Last but not least, I am grateful to our Guest
of Honour, Dr Y K Pang, Chairman of The Hong Kong Tourism Board, for sharing with us his insights at the presentation