Page 10 - TA2022-Souvenir
P. 10
Message from Dr Y K Pang GBS JP
Dr Y K Pang GBS JP
The Hong Kong Management Association
All over the world, many businesses are adapting, evolving and continuing to thrive in a rapidly changing social, economic,
geopolitical and environmental landscape. Overwhelmingly, these companies are those which have effectively identified
and unlocked the doors to success in this new normal which include innovation, sustainability, and digital transformation.
In this challenging environment, the role of training and development in organizations to groom future talents, to
equip executives with skills and agility to overcome new challenges, to develop an innovative culture and to grow the
organizations sustainably has become even more important.
The Award for Excellence in Training and Development was launched in 1990 by The Hong Kong Management Association
to recognize outstanding training and development achievements at the corporate level, as well as individual trainers who
have made very significant contributions to the profession.
This year, I am pleased to see so many established global corporations as well as new faces participating in this Award,
covering a range of the latest management thinking, including innovation, sustainability, digital transformation, culture
change, and design thinking.
On behalf of The Hong Kong Management Association, I wish to express our congratulations to all of the winners, and
thank all entrants for their dedication and commitment towards people development.
In particular, I would like to offer our sincere gratitude and thanks to Mr Anthony Rushton, Chairman of the Award
Organizing Committee and all committee members; the Panel of Adjudicators, and the Board of Examiners for their
tremendous support and devotion in making this year’s Award another huge success.
And very importantly, I wish to offer our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to our Guest of Honour, The Honourable
Mrs Ingrid Yeung JP, Secretary for the Civil Service of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for
sharing with us her insights and wisdom at the Award Presentation Ceremony.
10/20/2022 2:47:01 PM
Dinner Souvenir Prog 2022.indd 8
Dinner Souvenir Prog 2022.indd 8 10/20/2022 2:47:01 PM