Page 44 - TA2021_Brochure
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                     To:   The Secretariat, Award for Excellence in Training and Development 2021
                          The Hong Kong Management Association
                          16/F, Tower B, Southmark, 11 Yip Hing Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

                                                                                                      Register Now!
                     Attn:  Ms Grace Lau, Senior Membership and Event Manager   Tel:  2774 8529   Email:
                          Ms Glorial Pong, Membership and Event Executive      Tell:  2774 8588   Email:

                     Name of Organization:

                     Name of Nominator: (Mr/Ms)                   Job Title:
                     Contact Person: (Mr/Ms)                      Job Title:
                     Tel:                   Mobile:               Email:

                     A.   Nomination(s) for Distinguished Trainer Awards
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:

                     B.   Nomination(s) for Outstanding New Trainer Awards
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:
                         Name: (Mr/Ms)                            Job Title:
                         Tel:               Mobile:               Email:

                     A crossed cheque no:                       of HK$                        made payable to
                     “The Hong Kong Management Association” is enclosed.
                       HK$7,900 (HKMA Member)       HK$11,900 (Non-Member)     for each nomination

                     Signature:                                  Date:
                                                                             (not later than Friday, 26 March 2021)

                     42                                            AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 2021
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