Contacts - Diploma Courses

Contacts - Diploma Courses

Course Course Code Course Administration Course Coordinator
Advanced Diploma in
Business Management ADBM Kendra Leung 2774 8532 Winnie Sit 2774 8573
Business Information Technology ADBIT Jack Lo 2774 8587 Emily Tse /
Joy Tsui
2774 8594 / 2774 8563
Commander Training ADCDR Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Counter-terrorism Action Plan and Management for Commanders ADCTA
Criminology ADC Dora Chan 2774 8551 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Early Childhood and Playgroup ADECP Kendra Leung 2774 8532
Healthcare Service Management ADHSD Danny Lai 2774 8586 Kai Kwong 2774 8571
Management Studies ADMS Kendra Leung 2774 8532 Winnie Sit 2774 8573
ESG Strategy and Innovation for Net-Zero AEDES Jack Lo 2774 8587 Lydia Lam 2774 8552
Marketing and Business Management *** GAMBE Danny Lai 2774 8586 Winnie Sit 2774 8573
Mediation ADM Dora Chan 2774 8551 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Negotiation ADN Fanny Lai 2774 8584
Professional Accounting Studies DADAS Candy Cheung 2774 8506 Mandy Kwok /
Sam Wong
2774 8599 / 2774 8513
Professional Development (through Credit Accumulation Scheme) ADPD Dora Chan 2774 8551 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Risk and Crisis Management ADRCM Fanny Lai 2774 8584
Secretarial & Administrative Studies ADSA / APSA Annie Tang 2774 8546 Lydia Lam 2774 8552
Disciplinary Forces Administrative Management ADDF Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Executive Diploma in
Accounting and Taxation in Mainland China EDAT Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Applied Psychology in Management EDAPM Jack Lo 2774 8587 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Big Data, Data Analytics & AI EDBD
Career and Life Planning EDCLP
Child Psychology EDCP
Criminal Justice EDCJ Dora Chan 2774 8551 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Communication Skills for Commanders EDC Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Contingency Action Plan EDCAP
Digital Marketing EDDM Annie Tang 2774 8546 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Doing Business in the Greater Bay Area EDDB Dora Chan 2774 8551 Candy Ho 2774 8554
e-Logistics Operation & Management EDEL Annie Tang 2774 8546 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
eCommerce Application EDECA Kendra Leung 2774 8532
Employment Ordinance Compliance and Taxation EDECT Annie Tang 2774 8546
Employees Psychology, Emotional Counseling and Crisis Management EDEEM Jack Lo 2774 8587
Financial Planning & Registered Financial Adviser EDFP Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Hannah Sit 2774 8596
Financial Management EDFM Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Learning and Development EDLD Annie Tang 2774 8546 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Organisational Psychology EDOP Kendra Leung 2774 8532
Project Management EDPM Annie Tang 2774 8546
Property and Club Management EDPC Danny Lai 2774 8586 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Rental Management and Land Conveyancing in Hong Kong EDRML Fanny Lai 2774 8584
Secretarial & Human Resources Management EDSHR Dora Chan 2774 8551
Sustainability, ESG and Green Finance EDESG Jack Lo 2774 8587 Lydia Lam 2774 8552
Supervisory and Team Management EDST Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Wealth Management EDWM Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Hannah Sit 2774 8596
Workplace Management EDHM Jack Lo 2774 8587 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Professional Diploma in
3D Computer Animation Design Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR) Application PDCAD Danny Lai 2774 8586 Sadie Wong 2774 8502
Applied Business Management PDABM Dora Chan 2774 8551 Winnie Sit 2774 8573
Aromatherapy and Bodywork PDAG Fanny Lai 2774 8584
Business Administrative Management PDBAM / PPBAM Fanny Lai 2774 8584 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Company Secretaries PDCOA / PPCOA Annie Tang 2774 8546 Lydia Lam 2774 8552
Dental Nursing PDDN Danny Lai 2774 8586 Kai Kwong /
Ian Yong
2774 8571 / 2774 8523
Digital Marketing PDDE Annie Tang 2774 8546 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Estate and Services Management PDE Dora Chan 2774 8551 Candy Ho 2774 8554
Human Resource Management PDHR / PPHR Moda Chung 2774 8557 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Human Resources and Business Management PDHBM Dora Chan 2774 8551 Winnie Sit 2774 8573
Logistics and Supply Chain Management PDLSC / PPLSC Moda Chung 2774 8557 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Diploma in
Applied Nutrition and Weight Management DNWM Annie Tang 2774 8546 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Applied Sport Injury Management and Sport Nutrition DASN Fanny Lai 2774 8584
Property Management DPYM Dora Chan 2774 8551 Sadie Wong 2774 8502
Educational Psychology – Children Learning & Growth DEP Jack Lo 2774 8587 Shirley Chan 2774 8569
Healthcare and Dietary Management for the Elderly DHCE Annie Tang 2774 8546
Marketing and Business Management GDMBE Danny Lai 2774 8586 Winnie Sit 2774 8573
Business Information Technology DBIT Jack Lo 2774 8587 Emily Tse /
Joy Tsui
2774 8594 / 2774 8563