Professional Diploma in Aromatherapy and Bodywork

Professional Diploma in Aromatherapy and Bodywork

簡介 Introduction

合辦機構: 國際專業香薰治療師聯會 (IFPA)Fleur 國際專業香薰治療學院

Jointly organized with Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy


Aromatherapy is holistic massage, which aims to produce a physical, spiritual, emotional and mental sense of well-being. Aromatherapy is an intensely comforting and reassuring healing therapy. It has widespread demand and appeal, and is an effective way to treat people of all ages and in all states of health.


Whether you’re looking to start a new career, gain a new skill to improve your lifestyle or benefit the lives of others, you will find our aromatherapy courses suit your needs.

  • 香薰治療基礎理論
  • 肩頸按摩工作坊
  • 上班族痛症與香薰治療
  • 情緒、芳療與音樂治療
  • 呼吸系統傳染病與香薰治療
  • 寵物香薰治療入門
  • 香薰全身按摩基礎證書課程


課程講座及肩頸香薰按摩技巧示範 (Online / Face-to-face)
19:00 – 21:00 (20 Sep)
15:00 – 17:00 (12 Oct)
費用: 免費

  • 主要介紹國際專業香薰治療師文憑課程之內容及畢業要求。
  • 都市人很容易因長時間面對電腦工作而引起肩頸疼痛,出現肌肉蹦緊現象。示範講座(約15分鐘)協助參加者如何利用香薰油按摩消除肩頸疼痛,緩和頭痛。

凡參加講座及報讀文憑課程者免費額外獲贈價值HK$500之Rose Otto (1ml) 香薰油。










  • 課程旨在為學員提供專業的香薰治療師培訓,協助學員最快6個月可取得國際認可資格(雙認證): 英國IFPA及美國NAHA Level 2註冊香薰治療師資格。
  • 課程由IFPA及NAHA認可的Fleur國際香薰治療學院舉辦,在港自2004年開辦至今。所有導師均由Fleur嚴格篩選,教學經驗豐富。
  • 成功完成課程的學員將獲發「國際專業香薰治療師文憑」,取得文憑後可直接申請成為IFPA及NAHA會員,無需另外考試,獲得英美專業資格。
  • 全部課堂及考試均在本港進行,無須飛往外地。
  • 學費已包括所有課本/筆記及堂上需用之材料,不另收費。

International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA)

國際專業香薰治療師聯會(IFPA)成立於2002年4月1日,由英國三大香薰治療師協會會員合併而成,包括the Register of Qualified Aromatherapists (RQA), the International Society of Professional Aromatherapists (ISPA) 及International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA)部份會員。

The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) was formed on 1st April 2002 as a result of the joining together of members from three leading associations – the Register of Qualified Aromatherapists (RQA), the International Society of Professional Aromatherapists (ISPA) and some members from the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA).

國際專業香薰治療師聯會(IFPA)是現今英國最大規模的香薰治療師組織,在全世界輔助療法中具有崇高的地位。IFPA所認可之院校共有47間,分校遍佈英國、台灣、日本、愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、北愛爾蘭、韓國、香港、紐西蘭等地。註冊會員人數超過3,000人。如欲了解更多關於IFPA的資料,歡迎到以下網頁瀏覽: https://www.ifparoma.org

The IFPA is now the largest aromatherapy specific organisation in the United Kingdom and is a respected voice within the world of complementary medicine. There are 47 accredited IFPA schools all over the world, such as Wales, England, Taiwan, Japan, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Korea, Hong Kong and New Zealand, with over 3,000 members. For more information, please visit the IFPA’s official website: https://www.ifparoma.org

The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)


The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy is a 501(c)3 member based in the US, a non-profit association devoted to the holistic integration and education of aromatherapy into a wide range of complementary healthcare practices including self-care and home pharmacy. NAHA offer scientific, empirical and current information about aromatherapy and essential oils to the public, practitioners, businesses, product designers, bloggers/writers, educators, healthcare professionals, and the media.


NAHA is actively involved with promoting and elevating academic standards in aromatherapy education and practice standards for the profession. NAHA is also devoted to increasing the public’s knowledge and understanding of aromatherapy and its safe and effective application in everyday life.

Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy

Fleur國際專業香薰治療學院是IFPA認可的院校之一,是一間在英國擁有25年經驗的專業香薰學院,在香港辦學亦超過十二年。Fleur的院校遍佈香港、台灣及韓國等地,而且將會在墨西哥、日本和上海等地開設新的院校。至目前為止,從Fleur畢業後成為IFPA會員的人數超過1000人。如欲了解更多關於FLEUR的資料,歡迎到以下網頁瀏覽: http://www.fleuraroma.com.hk

Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy is an accredited Aromatherapy training course provider for the IFPA. Fleur International College is part of a specialist Aromatherapy Company which has 25 years experience in Essential Oils in the UK and 12 years experience n Hong Kong. Fleur as an International College has 3 university and schools located in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea and is in the process of opening new schools in Mexico, Japan and Shanghai. Since qualifying with full membership to the IFPA we have had over 1000 students who have graduated with us. For more information, please visit the Fleur’s official website: http://www.fleuraroma.com.hk

導師 Lecturing Staff


Highly qualified lecturers and tutors are drawn from the Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy to teach the programmes. The staffs are committed to excellence in teaching and to ensuring that all courses are intellectually rigorous and relevant to the marketplace.

課程要求 Requirement


To be qualified for the “Fleur Diploma in Aromatherapy and Bodywork” and be able to join the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapist (IFPA), students have to complete the following within a maximum span of two years.

Modules to be taken
  • 香薰油科學與臨床應用
    Clinical and Essential Oil Science
  • 香薰臨床治療及按摩
    Aromatherapy in Clinical Massage
  • 在職護士或曾修讀認可『解剖生理學』課程學員可申請豁免修讀此科。有關詳情請參考【申請豁免】。
    Attend Anatomy and Physiology.(Practicing nurses or students who have obtained a recognized qualification in Anatomy & Physiology can apply for the exemption of this subject. Please refer to “Application for Exemption” for details.

Home Study
  • 第一部份:香薰油的應用及科學
    Aromatherapy Theory
  • 按摩實習第二部份:香薰臨床治療及按摩(完成45個個案報告)
    Aromatherapy Practical Massage.(i.e. completion of 45 case studies)

課程費用 Tuition Fee

科目 Modules 費用 Fee (HK$)
Part 1: Clinical and Essential Oil Science
Part 2: Aromatherapy in Clinical Massage
Anatomy and Physiology
考試費用 Examination Fee

香薰油科學與臨床應用 (HK$800)
Part 1: Clinical and Essential Oil Science (HK$800)

香薰臨床治療及按摩 (HK$800)
Part 2: Aromatherapy in Clinical Massage (HK$800)

解剖生理學 (HK$200)
Anatomy and Physiology (HK$200)

Exemption administration cost for “Anatomy and Physiology”
** Course fee includes all the course notes, essential oils and carrier oils to be used during the lesson.

特別優惠 Special Discount


Special discounted price of HK$38,000 (original price HK$42,300) is offered when all 3 modules are enrolled together i.e. Part 1 and 2 plus “Anatomy and Physiology”. The first payment of $7,600 is required at time of enrolment

付款方法 Payment Method

Full Diploma Course
  • 第一期學費HK$7,600於報名當天繳交
    First installment of HK$7,600 is required at time of enrolment
  • 餘下的款項分四期繳交,每期HK$7,600,於開課後首四個月的第一天繳交
    Four monthly installment of HK$7,600 each payable starting from one month after the course commencement date

Individual Modular Course
  • 報名當天繳交課程一半費用
    50% deposit is required at time of enrolment
  • 餘下之另一半費用於課程開始一個月後第一天繳交
    50% balance is payable one month after the course commencement date
  • 報讀個別課程之學生需要繳交該課程之考試費
    On completing the individual courses the student can sit the Examinations as per the above fees

Upgrade to the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists-IFPA

如果你已經擁有一個香薰治療文憑的認可資格,例如IFA,NAHA或從事有關香薰治療的工作,你可將你現有的資歷提升至成為英國認可國際專業香薰治療師聯會 (IFPA)的會員。

If you already hold an Aromatherapy qualification by a recognised body such as IFA, NAHA or hold or working towards a recognised qualification in aromatherapy, you can now upgrade to the UK’s most recognised aromatherapy organisation the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapist(IFPA).

授課語言 Language Medium


The teaching will be given by a Chinese tutor and partly assisted in English.
Course materials are provided in English, Traditional or Simplified Chinese.

畢業生分享 Graduates’ sharing




查詢 Enquiries


薛小姐 Winnie Sit
電話: 2774 8573
電郵: tsw@hkma.org.hk

一般查詢 / 課程報名 / 會員

電話: 2774 8500 / 2774 8501
電郵: hkma@hkma.org.hk / enrol@hkma.org.hk
傳真: 2365 1000