(From left) Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Deputy Chairman, HKMA; Mr Alfred Chan, Honorary President, HKMA; Dr the Hon Sir David Li, Honorary President, HKMA; The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam GBM GBS, Chief Executive, HKSAR; Dr YK Pang, Chairman, HKMA; The Hon Teresa Cheng, The Secretary for Justice, HKSAR; Dr Dennis Sun, Honorary President, HKMA; Mr SK Cheong, Deputy Chairman, HKMA; and Dr Victor Lee, Executive Director, HKMA
The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) 60th+1 Anniversary Celebration cum 2020/21 Hong Kong Sustainability Award Presentation Ceremony was held successfully at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on Tuesday, 14 December 2021. The Honourable Mrs Carrie Lam GBM GBS, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, was the Guest of Honour at this joyous occasion, during which the Presentation Ceremonies of the Most Respected Organizations Award and the 2020/21 Hong Kong Sustainability Award also took place.
About The Hong Kong Sustainability Award
In view of the rising significance of sustainability, the Association launched the Hong Kong Sustainability Award in 2016 aiming to raise awareness of the business community of the importance of sustainability, to recognize best practices of sustainability, as well as to give public recognition to organizations and individuals that have demonstrated a commitment to sustainability in their operations while achieving good business performance.
Members of the Organizing Committee include:
- Dr Delman Lee, Vice Chair, TAL Apparel Ltd (Chairman);
- Ms Michelle Chan, Managing Director, A.S. Watson Industries Ltd;
- Ir Chris Chong, Managing Director, Hong Kong District Cooling Co Ltd;
- Mr Eric Kwong, Managing Director, AluHouse Company Ltd;
- Mr Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd;
- Mr Anthony Leung, Managing Director, Hong Kong and Macau, FedEx Express;
- Mr Stephen Leung, Country Manager, Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited;
- Mr Francis Ngai, Founder & CEO, Social Ventures Hong Kong;
- Prof Joseph Ngai, Senior Partner and Managing Partner, Greater China, McKinsey Hong Kong;
- Mr Wan Chi-tin, Chief Executive Officer, HK Electric Investments Ltd;
- Mr Billy Wong, Managing Director, Greater China, Crown Worldwide (HK) Ltd; and
- Mr Ricky Wong, Executive Director, Wheelock and Company Ltd.
Members of Board of Examiners include:
- Dr Delman Lee, Vice Chair, TAL Apparel Ltd (Chairman);
- Ms Shirlee Algire, Executive Manager, Sustainability, The Hong Kong Jockey Club;
- Mr Chan Chi Keung, Head of Group Communications, HKT Ltd;
- Ms Jessica Chan, Head of Sustainability, MTR Corporation Limited;
- Mr Victor Kwong, General Manager – Corporate Sustainability, The Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd;
- Dr Irene Lau, Chairman, CSR TV;
- Ms Jane Liu, Managing Director, Jenston Technology Corporation Ltd;
- Prof Carlos Lo, Department Head, Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
- Mr Hendrik Rosenthal, Director – Group Sustainability, CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd;
- Mr Aaron Tam, Senior Manager, Environmental Capability Building, Gap Inc.;
- Ms Ellie Tang, Head of Sustainability, New World Development Company Ltd;
- Ms Kathy Tesvich, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Hang Seng Bank;
- Mr Fred Wong, Responsibility Programme Director, APAC, Burberry Hong Kong;
- Ms Rita Wong, Corporate and Customer Communication Director, AXA Hong Kong; and
- Mr Ivan Yau, General Manager – Community Affairs Department, Sino Group.
Members of the Panel of Judges include:
- Dr Delman Lee, Vice Chair, TAL Apparel Ltd (Chairman);
- Ms Michelle Chan, Managing Director, A.S. Watson Industries Ltd;
- Ms Ida Chi, Chief Executive Officer, Guardforce Group;
- Mr Jonathan Chiu, Hong Kong President, Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited;
- Ir Chris Chong, Managing Director, Hong Kong District Cooling Co Ltd;
- Mr Francis Ip, Executive Director and Deputy CEO, Yip’s Chemical Holdings Limited;
- Mr Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd;
- Mr Anthony Leung, Managing Director, Hong Kong and Macau, FedEx Express;
- Mr Stephen Leung, Country Manager, Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited;
- Mr Francis Ngai, Founder & CEO, Social Ventures Hong Kong;
- Mr Wilson Tang, Chief Executive, BOC Group Life Assurance Co Ltd;
- Mr Billy Wong, Managing Director, Greater China, Crown Worldwide (HK) Ltd;
- Mr Ricky Wong, Executive Director, Wheelock and Company Ltd; and
- Mr Kent Wong, Managing Director, Corporate and HK, Macau & Overseas, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd.
The Most Respected Organizations Awardee List
AIA Group Limited | 友邦保險控股有限公司 |
American Express International, Inc. | 美國運通國際股份有限公司 |
Bank of China (Hong Kong) | 中國銀行(香港) |
Centaline Property Agency Ltd | 中原地產代理有限公司 |
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited | 周大福珠寶集團有限公司 |
Citi | 花旗集團 |
CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd | 長江和記實業有限公司 |
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited | 中華電力有限公司 |
DHL Express (Hong Kong) | DHL Express (香港) |
Hang Seng Bank Ltd | 恒生銀行 |
HKT Limited | 香港電訊有限公司 |
The Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd | 香港中華煤氣有限公司 |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd | 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 |
HKBN Group | 香港寬頻集團 |
The Hong Kong Jockey Club | 香港賽馬會 |
Hong Yip Service Company Limited | 康業服務有限公司 |
The Jardine Matheson Group | 怡和集團 |
Manulife (International) Limited | 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司 |
Maxim’s Group | 美心集團 |
McDonald’s Hong Kong | 香港麥當勞 |
MTR Corporation | 香港鐵路 |
New World Development Company Limited | 新世界發展有限公司 |
Prudential Hong Kong Ltd | 保誠保險有限公司 |
Ricacorp Properties Limited | 利嘉閣地產有限公司 |
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd | 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 |
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited | 新鴻基地產發展有限公司 |
Sun life Hong Kong Limited | 香港永明金融有限公司 |
Swire Pacific Ltd | 太古股份有限公司 |
For Higher Resolution of Event Photo, please retrieve from the below link:
(HKMA) 60th+1 Anniversary Celebration cum 2020/21 Hong Kong Sustainability Award Supplement
HKET: https://bit.ly/HKETSupplement
The Standard: https://bit.ly/theSTANDARDSupplement
About The Hong Kong Management Association
The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) was established in 1960. As a non-profit making professional organization, its vision is to be the leading professional organization advancing management excellence in Hong Kong and the Region. To nurture human capital through management education and training at all levels, the Association offers over 2,000 training programmes and activities to more than 50,000 participants annually. A diverse range of programmes are provided including Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees offered in partnership with prestigious universities worldwide; Diploma programmes; Certificate courses; Distance Learning courses; seminars and workshops; as well as short courses for business executives and professionals. To promote best practices in management, the Association organizes eight annual business awards, which have become the highlights of the business community. The Association also provides around 13,000 members with a platform for the exchange of ideas, networking and personal development.
HKMA Official Website: | www.hkma.org.hk |
HKMA Official Facebook Page: | www.facebook.com/HKMAfb |
Issued by The Hong Kong Management Association on 14 December 2021.
Ms Renee Cheng | 3958 4818 / reneecheng@hkma.org.hk |
Membership & Event Manager, The Hong Kong Management Association | |