Introduced by The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) in 1991, the HKMA annual Quality Award aims to give recognition to companies in Hong Kong which have made a lasting commitment to quality management and also to provide an opportunity for companies to share with one another their best practices. Ms Bonnie Y Chan, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) served as the Guest of Honour of the occasion and delivered a keynote speech at the Award Presentation Ceremony held on Monday, 14 October 2024 at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong.

The results of the 2024 HKMA Quality Award were announced by Dr Jacob Kam JP, Chairman of the Award Organizing Committee and Executive Committee and Council Member of HKMA. This year, a total of five companies were recognized according to a comprehensive set of judging criteria developed based on the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Framework, which covers seven aspects, including Leadership; Strategy; Customers; Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management; Workforce; Operations; and Results. The Awards were presented by Chairman of the Association Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP, Deputy Chairman Mr S K Cheong, and Honorary President Dr Y K Pang respectively. Going forward, the Award will continue to promote best practices in Total Quality Management as well as experience sharing among different companies.

The results of the 2024 HKMA Quality Award were as follows:
Octopus Holdings Limited
Construction Industry Council
Ngong Ping 360 Limited
A&S Enterprises Limited
Saicome Industries Limited
Members of the Organizing Committee include:
- Dr Jacob Kam JP, Chief Executive Officer, MTR Corporation Limited (Chairman);
- Ms Diane Chan, General Manager & Publisher, Hong Kong Economic Times;
- Prof Mary Huen JP, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong and Greater China & North Asia, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited;
- Mr Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited;
- Ms Elaine Liu, Group Associate Director & Chief Human Resources Officer, Sino Land Co Ltd;
- Ir Paul Poon MH, Managing Director, Poon’s Engineering Limited; and
- Mr Kevin O’Brien, Chief Executive, Gammon Construction Limited.
Members of the Panel of Judges include:
- Mr S K Cheong, Vice Chairman, HK Television Entertainment Co Ltd. ;
Chairman, Hong Kong Economic Journal Co., Ltd. (Chairman);
- Mr Lesz Banham, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort;
- Mr Alan Chan, Managing Director, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited;
- Mr Francis CY Cheng MH, Managing Director, The Hongkong Electric Co., Limited;
- Ir Alkin Kwong JP, Chairman and Chief Executive, Hong Yip Holdings Limited;
- Mr William Ma, Chief Advisor, Kerry Logistics Network Limited;
- Mr Martin Murray, Finance Director, Swire Pacific Limited;
- Mr Keith Siu, Chief Operating Officer (HK and Macau), Maxim’s Caterers Limited; and
- Mr Rex Wong JP, Chief Executive Officer, Kum Shing Group.
Members of Board of Examiners include:
- Prof Matthew Yuen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Chairman);
- Mr Frankie Cheng, Senior Environmental Health and Safety Manager, Synergis Holdings Limited;
- Mr Daryl Choy, Director, Oh Wow Corporation Limited;
- Mr Peter Jung, Co-Founder, Milton Exhibits Group Limited;
- Ms Katherine Lau, General Manager, Internal Audit & Sustainability, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited;
- Ms Ivy Leung, General Manager, The Hong Kong Management Association;
- Mr Teddy Liu, Member of Council, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants;
- Ms Louisa Tam, Former Tender Lead, Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited; and
- Ir Trevor Tang, Assistant General Manager – Corporate Strategy & Innovation, The Hong Kong & China Gas Company Limited.
Lead Award Sponsors:
- MTR Corporation Limited
- Swire Pacific Limited
Award Sponsors:
- CK Infrastructure Holdings Limited
- Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
- The Hong Kong Jockey Club
- Hong Yip Service Company Limited
- Invest Hong Kong
- The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited
- Maxim’s Caterers Limited
- Sino Group
- Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited
- Synergis Management Services Limited
Award Dinner & Presentation Ceremony Sponsors:
- Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
- CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
- Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
- Gammon Construction Limited
- The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited
- Hong Kong Housing Society
- The Hongkong Electric Co., Limited
Media Sponsors:
- Hong Kong Economic Times
- The Standard Newspapers Publishing Ltd.
Document Solutions Sponsor:
- FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited
Sole Trophy Sponsor:
- Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Company Limited
About the HKMA Quality Award
The Association introduced the annual Quality Award in 1991 to give recognition to those companies in Hong Kong which have made a lasting commitment to quality and also to provide an opportunity for companies to share with one another their experience in Total Quality Management.
For more information, please visit the website of the HKMA Quality Award at: https://www2.hkma.org.hk/qa/front.htm
For enquiries on the Award, please contact Ms Rebecca Luk on 2774 8504.
About The Hong Kong Management Association
The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) was established in 1960. As a non-profit making professional organization, its vision is to be the leading professional organization advancing management excellence in Hong Kong and the Region. To nurture human capital through management education and training at all levels, the Association offers over 2,000 training programmes and activities to more than 50,000 participants annually. A diverse range of programmes are provided including Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees offered in partnership with prestigious universities worldwide; Diploma programmes; Certificate courses; Distance Learning courses; seminars and workshops; as well as short courses for business executives and professionals. To promote best practices in management, the Association organizes nine annual business awards, which have become the highlights of the business community. The Association also provides around 13,000 members with a platform for the exchange of ideas, networking and personal development.
HKMA Website:www.hkma.org.hk
HKMA Facebook:www.facebook.com/HKMAfb
Issued by The Hong Kong Management Association on 15 October 2024.
For press enquiries, please contact:
Ms Carrie Lok,
2774 8542 / carrielok@hkma.org.hk