Page 33 - HKMA/TVB Awards for Marketing Excellence 2019-Dinner Souvenir Programme
P. 33

Panel of Judges
Individual Awards

Back Row (From Left to Right)             Front Row (From Left to Right)

1.	 Mr Raymond Lam                        1.	 Mr Robert Young
	 General Manager                         	Member
	 MaBelle International Limited           	 Marketing Management Committee

2.	 Mr Charlie Yip                        2.	 Dr Kim Mak BBS JP
	 Managing Director                       	President
	 OTO Bodycare (H.K.) Limited             	 Caritas Institute of Higher Education and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers

3.	 Mr S K Cheong (Chairman)              3.	 Mr Stephen Ho
	 Executive Director and General Manager  	 Chief Executive Officer
	 Television Broadcasts Limited           	 CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited

4.	 Mr Peter Yan                          4.	 Mr Joseph Lau
	 Chief Executive Officer                 	 Managing Director - Hong Kong & Macau
	 Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co Ltd   	 BMW Concessionaires (HK) Limited

5.	 Mr Frank Lee
	 Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd

                                          31HKMA/TVB AWARDS FOR MARKETING EXCELLENCE 2019
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38