Executive Diploma in Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) Board Governance and Strategic Services Planning

Executive Diploma in Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) Board Governance and Strategic Services Planning


Effective governance and accountability take place in the organizations no matter what the company size and the nature of business they are. Corporate governance is about how to ensure the appropriate processes and structures are in place to direct and manage an organization’s operations and activities so as to ensure that they function well locally and globally.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operate in a competitive and ever-changing environment. It is characterized by the limited availability of financial resources which puts their organizational sustainability under pressure. Financial sustainability, in particular, is a key concern for many NGOs worldwide, primarily due to their reliance on grant and donor funding model. Self-generated source of income by using social enterprise models provides an opportunity for NGOs to attain financial sustainability and independence. The statistic shows the growing risks and the need for a strategic rethink. In the face of dramatically increased demand, too many NGOs are competing for insufficient funds, while local governments and donors are demanding more accountability.

This programme will highlight the key elements of board governance, board leadership, and board management for a legal-and-compliance-driven organization. The ultimate goal of good governance is to ensure the effectiveness, credibility and viability of the organization. While earning profits is not the primary motivation behind the NGOs, revenue still plays an essential role in the sustainability of the venture. Financial decision making is vital to every organization. Sustainable revenue is focused how the NGOs reinvest profits into their social mission. It also covers the identification of risk and its implementation of strategies that the NGOs may encounter. Cases shall be shared during the lectures.


  1. To give cohorts an understanding of the strategic direction of developing overall governance model with creating cultural value-driven enterprise;
  2. To share and critically analyze the key aspects of the governance framework to maintain effectiveness, credibility and viability of the organization;
  3. To enrich cohort’s governance knowledge; to review a strategic and policy setting; and to develop

Information at a Glance


Commencement Date:

Tuition fee for Members:


Tuition fee for Non-members:


Medium of Instruction:


Mode of Instruction:

Brochure Timetable


Level 1: Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship (Core) (15 hours)

Module 1: Creating Shared Value – Cultural Value Creation-Driven Enterprise

  • International Perspective
  • Hong Kong NGOs and Social Enterprises
  • Value Creation in Management Perspectives
  • Spirit of the Social Enterprises
  • Ethics and Compliance

Module 2: Legal and Regulatory Framework

  • Legal Legislation and Company Limited by Guarantee

Module 3: Corporate Social Responsibilities – Environmental, Society and Governance (ESG) and Sustainability

  • Responding to global challenges and climate change
  • UN Agenda 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015)
  • Stakeholders-driven governance: governments, business, local communities and individual
  • Sustainable Business with Cultural Value-driven Social Enterprises
  • Sustainability Board: Building governance structure
Level 2: Certificate in NGO Board Governance (15 hours)

Module 4: Board Governance

  • Board Roles and Responsibilities
  • Board’s Fiduciary Duties and Director’s Duties
  • Director Liabilities and Protections

Module 5: Board Leadership and Board Management

  • Board Relationship and Leadership
  • Board Meetings
  • Director Selection and Board Performance
Level 3: Certificate in Strategic Services Planning (15 hours)

Module 6: Risk and Strategy

  • Risk and Governance
  • Structures for Risk Management
  • Warning Sign and Crisis Management

Module 7: Financial Decision Making

  • Board’s Responsibility in term of Internal Control
  • Financial Reporting Obligations for Company Limited by Guarantee
  • Financial Reporting to the Board

Progressive Pathway

The composition of the Modules are collaboratively developed by 3 layers of Levels. They are designed to cater for Board/committee members, senior executive professionals and/or the interested parties who are required to comply the local legislation; to better understand the valuable relationships among Board/committee members and senior executives; and to meet the expectation of different stakeholders from local communities and international organizations. Each layer of Level is independently designed to suit different needs.

The Flexible Mode is enlisted as follows:

Level Module Required Module Certificate Award
1 M1, M2, M3 Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship
2 M4, M5 Certificate in NGO Board Governance
3 M6, M7 Certificate in Strategic Services Planning

Award of Certificate

A participant who has maintained a minimum of 70% attendance of total lecture hours and complete an Individual Project will be awarded an EDNGO Award of Certificate.

Completed Level Award of Certificate
1 Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship
1 and 2 Diploma in NGO Board Governance
1, 2 and 3 Executive Diploma in NGO Board Governance and Strategic Services Planning

Language Medium

Cantonese, supplemented with English (English training materials)


Tuition Fee

Attend One/Two Level(s) of Study
HKMA Member HK$3,200
Non-member HK$3,400
Special Offer for Enrolling Executive Diploma Programme
HKMA Member HK$8,800
Non-member HK$9,200
Early Bird Discount HK$200 less each (For payment received one month before course commencement)
Group Discount HK$200 less each (For a total of 2 or more participants enrolling the workshop at the same time)


Course Details

Ms Louise Wan
Phone: 2774 8540
Email: louisewan@hkma.org.hk

General Enquiry / Course Enrolment / Membership Information

Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025
Email: hkma@hkma.org.hk / enrol@hkma.org.hk
Fax: 2365 1000

Payment Methods