Executive Diploma in Population Health Strategies in the Digital Age

Executive Diploma in Population Health Strategies in the Digital Age


Programme Objective

Hospitals (or health systems) use population health to refer to the need to develop a tailored programme based on an understanding of the social determinants that influence patient care outside a hospital or clinic. These tailored programme interventions are designed to support both primary care and care transition post-hospital discharge by leveraging technology and external partners. Public health views population health as engaging in activities to support health promotion (e.g. physical activity, smoking cessation, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.) for prevention and chronic care management. However, these activities tend to be broader in nature even if they are tailored by external partners to suit the needs of distinct population groups.

Public health 3.0 calls for public health agencies to develop a proactive community engagement strategy that uses policies tailored to address the health needs of distinct population groups. The strategy will recruit partners and leverage technologies to design practices to improve client adherence and health outcomes. In other words, population health in the digital age today is leading a shared goal of both public health agencies and health systems in looking for innovations to improve prevention and chronic care management. With the growing use of personalization tools, such as mobile apps, social media, and wearables, population health can focus on exploring new technology innovations as digital services to improve health outcomes of select population groups as well as the public at large.

The Hong Kong Management Association Institute of Healthcare Management and Global Health Institute Academy, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona are jointly offering an Executive Diploma in Population Health Strategies in the Digital Age. This executive diploma programme will use three modules to help support the transformation of health providers to support population health: organizational leadership, design of innovative care delivery models, and evaluation to support growth and capacity building. Each module is 15 hours long spread of 5 sessions of 3 hours each.

Information at a Glance


Commencement Date:

Deadline for New Application:

Tuition fee for Members:


Tuition fee for Non-members:


Medium of Instruction:


Mode of Instruction:

Brochure Timetable / Application Timetable / Application


Course Structure

The course contents are built over THREE major areas:
Module 1: Leadership and Strategy for Population Health (EDPHS-H0001)
Module 2: Client and Patient Services Analysis, Design and Innovation (EDPHS-H0002)
Module 3: Evaluation to Support Growth and Capacity Building: Leveraging Data Analytics (EDPHS-H0003)

Programme Leader

Professor Mohan R Tanniru, PhD
Professor, Division of Public Health Practice and Translational Research, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona
Senior Investigator, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan
Emeritus Professor of MIS at Oakland University, Michigan

Dr Mohan Tanniru is the Professor in the Division of Public Health Practice and Translational Research in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson/Phoenix and a Senior Investigator in the Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan. He is also an Emeritus Professor of Management Information Systems (MIS) of Oakland University. Dr Tanniru was the former Dean of the School of Business and the founding director of Applied Technology of Business Programme at Oakland University, and the Department Head of MIS at University of Arizona. His research covers areas like knowledge/decision support, IT strategy and systems and service modeling and more recently in digital health and healthcare leadership and management.

Dr Tanniru has published over 90 research articles and his work has appeared in journals such as ISR, MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, DSS, JMIS, IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, Expert Systems and Applications, Information and Management, CACM, as well as Health Policy and Technology, Journal of Patient Satisfaction, Journal of Healthcare Management and Journal of Healthcare Administration. He worked with several hospitals like Beaumont Health Systems, Ascension/Providence, Henry Ford Health System and St Joseph Mercy Health System/Trinity all in Michigan, and many major business organizations such as GM, Chrysler, Ford, Compuware, HP/EDS, Honeywell, Intel, SAP and Raytheon among others.

HKMA Institute of Healthcare Management

The HKMA Institute of Healthcare Management (HCM) was established in 2017 to offer world-class healthcare management programmes and to serve as a learned platform for healthcare professional development with a view to making significant contribution to advancing management excellence in the healthcare sector in Hong Kong and the Region. Through education and training, HCM nurtures human capital in the healthcare sector. HCM also provides a network for renowned scholars and experts to interact with the healthcare professionals and practitioners, as well as our fellows and members. In the process, best practices, state of the art knowledge and innovative ideas relevant to healthcare management sector are generated and promoted.

Medium of Instruction


Mode of Instruction


Time Schedule & Duration
Module Time Date
Module 1: Leadership and Strategy for Population Health (EDPHS-H0001) 7:00pm – 10:00pm Tuesday 7, 14, 21, 28 September; 5 October 2021
Module 2: Client and Patient Services Analysis, Design and Innovation (EDPHS-H0002) Tuesday 19, 26 October; 2, 9, 16 November 2021
Module 3: Evaluation to Support Growth and Capacity Building: Leveraging Data Analytics (EDPHS-H0003) Tuesday 30 November; 7, 14, 21, December 2021



HKMA Member: HK$9,000
Non-member: HK$9,900

Application Procedure

Please complete and submit the enrollment form together with a cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Management Association” to the address:

  • The Programme Secretariat, 16/F, Tower B, Southmark, 11 Yip Hing Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong


Course Details

Ms Eva Lock
Phone: 3958 4800
Email: evalock@hkma.org.hk
Ms Cathy Lee
Phone: 2774 8527
Email: cathylee@hkma.org.hk

General Enquiry / Course Enrolment / Membership Information

Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025
Email: hkma@hkma.org.hk / enrol@hkma.org.hk
Fax: 2365 1000

Payment Methods