A 2-day Workshop on How to Be a Good Team Leader

A 2-day Workshop on How to Be a Good Team Leader


To be fully effective as a team leader you need a number of key skills, notably the ability to lead others. Without the commitment of your staff you will achieve nothing and it is vital to know how to channel and optimise their talents, particularly in times of change. Every team leader needs to be skilled in harmonising different personalities to produce a motivated, performance-oriented team.

This seminar is designed to relate to your own management situation. This intensive, dynamic and practical training course will improve your competency and effectiveness as a team leader.

Information at a Glance



Commencement Date:

Tuition fee for Members:


Tuition fee for Non-members:


Medium of Instruction:

English / Cantonese / Putonghua

* Supplement with Cantonese and Putonghua depending on Participant Needs.

Mode of Instruction:



Course Details

Ms Carroll Choi
Phone: 2774 8544
Email: carrollchoi@hkma.org.hk

General Enquiry / Course Enrolment / Membership Information

Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025
Email: hkma@hkma.org.hk
Fax: 2365 1000

Payment Methods