Employment Law in Hong Kong

Employment Law in Hong Kong


Why does employment law matter? The legal expression of the relation between employer and employee is a type of contractor. The employment contract confers legally enforceable rights and obligations of both employer and employee. Most people rely upon employment as their primary source of income. Employees have the right to expect fair treatment and a safe working environment. They also seek personal fulfilment and obtain entry into a social community through their work, whereas employers want the workforce to be used effectively and efficiently for their profit-making. This workshop aims to clarify the legal relationship between employers and employees and its significance. With a focus on the features of contractual employment, employers and employees can be aware of how to avoid breaking the law and handle disputes that may arise concerning employment relations.

Early Bird Discount

Deadline for Discount

Information at a Glance



Commencement Date:

Tuition fee for Members:


Tuition fee for Non-members:


Medium of Instruction:


Mode of Instruction:

Brochure Application Form


Course Details

Ms Hannah Sit
Phone: 2774 8596
Email: hannahsit@hkma.org.hk

General Enquiry / Course Enrolment / Membership Information

Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025
Email: hkma@hkma.org.hk
Fax: 2365 1000

Payment Methods