Free Training Session on Using Different Functions of the eMPF Platform

Free Training Session on Using Different Functions of the eMPF Platform



The eMPF Platform is a major infrastructure which aims to reshape the administrative models of MPF schemes through standardizing, streamlining and automating the existing scheme administrative processes. It is the most significant reform of the MPF System since its inception, providing comprehensive MPF scheme administration services to 4.7 million MPF scheme members and 360,000 employers, bringing about revolutionary changes to the MPF ecosystem.

When the eMPF Platform is fully operational, it will enhance user experience, drive greater efficiency, flexibility and reliability of the operation of MPF schemes, as well as creating room for fee reduction and paving way for further reforms in the future.


The eMPF Platform is anticipated to bring tremendous benefits to various stakeholders of the MPF System, including scheme members, employers and self-employed persons (SEPs).

The eMPF Platform will serve as a one-stop electronic platform for scheme members to manage their MPF accounts across different MPF schemes anytime and anywhere through online and mobile applications. Scheme members can manage their MPF accounts more effectively by performing a wide range of functions, such as accessing account details, switching funds and consolidating accounts, on a real-time, secure and paperless basis.

Employers and SEPs can handle their MPF contributions through electronic payment via the Platform. The standardized and automated scheme administrative processes can reduce paper work, human errors, and inadvertent delay or default contributions that would result in contribution surcharge.

Free Training Session

This training session introduces to employers, HR practitioners, and those who are responsible for handling MPF scheme administration the concept and objectives of the eMPF, its functions, and techniques in using the eMPF.

Upon completion, participants should be able to:

  • Learn what eMPF is
  • Register on the employer portal
  • Use the basic functions and must-know functions of the eMPF
  • Basic functions of contributions

Information at a Glance



Commencement Date:

Tuition fee


Medium of Instruction:


Mode of Instruction:

Face-to-face / Online


Course Details

Ms Hannah Sit
Phone: 2774 8596

General Enquiry / Course Enrolment / Membership Information

Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025
Fax: 2365 1000