

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is empowered by the Council to supervise in detail the affairs of the Association.

Programme Advisory Committees

Programme Advisory Committees advise on the Association’s various programmes and assist in organizing them. The development of management in Hong Kong owes much to the public-spiritedness and enthusiasm of those who generously give their time and expertise to the Association through membership of these 10 Programme Advisory Committees. They are:

Theme Year Working Party

The Theme-Year concept was introduced by the Association in 1985 and is designed to bring focus on key issues of management or economics of relevance to Hong Kong at the time. The Theme Year Working Party is responsible for planning, implementing and co-ordinating a series of activities pertaining to an annual theme.

Susan Yuen Fellowship and Research Foundation Board of Trustees

To recognize the outstanding services of the late Mrs Susan Yuen to industry and commerce in Hong Kong, members of the Hong Kong Management Association and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, on the occasion of her retirement as Chief Executive of the two organizations, established the Susan Yuen Fellowship and Research Foundation.

The Foundation is a charitable association governed by the Board of Trustees. The aim of the Foundation is to provide financial support for in-service executives to attend short and practical courses.