Page 37 - MA2022-Souvenir-Programme
P. 37

Board of Examiners

                        Marketing Awards Organizing Committee

                       Mr Stephen Ho                    Mr William Ip                  Mr Lawrence Lam
                      Founder and CEO                  Vice President and            Chief Executive Officer
                  n-hop Technologies Limited      Head of Digital Commerce, APAC  Prudential Hong  Kong Limited
                                                          Fiserv, Inc

                      Mr Raymond Lam                    Mr Joseph Lau                Dr Kim Mak  BBS JP
                       General Manager                Managing Director                   President
                    MaBelle International Ltd   Multi-Franchise Group Hong Kong,    Caritas Institute of Higher Education
                                                       Macau & Taiwan              and Caritas Bianchi College
                                               Sime Darby Motor Group (HK) Limited

                       Ms Maggie Ng                    Mr Norman Tam                    Mr Peter Yan
               Head of Wealth and Personal Banking  Deputy Chief Executive Officer   Chief Executive Officer
              The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking   SmarTone Mobile Communications     Hong Kong Cyberport
                     Corporation Limited                   Limited                    Management Co Ltd

                                                                    HKMA/VIUTV & NOW TV AWARDS FOR MARKETING EXCELLENCE 2022
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42