


设计、创新与品牌管理文学硕士课程为您提供了发展专业技能和管理能力的绝佳机会。 通过学习整个综合课程,您将显著提升自己的技能,成为领先的品牌、设计和创新管理人员。

我们为期18个月的课程鼓励您在当今竞争激烈的全球环境中审视品牌的价值,令企业继续在市场中竞争。 随着消费者变得越来越复杂,相类似的产品越来越多,令消费者对产品产生情感连结,从而突围而出变得越来越重要。 这正是英国创意艺术大学(UCA)量身定制的设计、创新与品牌管理文学硕士课程发挥作用的地方,帮助未来的领导者开发独一无二的产品和全新的宣传策略。

品牌发展的成功关键在于对创新的理解。 传统观点认为,品牌与标志、广告和操纵相关,而创新与更加注重过程导向的发展有关。 UCA开发了这门课程,以涵盖产品设计、品牌管理以及构成其成功基础的创新因素。










HK$97,500 (Early Bird)
HK$102,500 (Regular)




作为专业的艺术机构,UCA百分之百致力于创意。 学生在模拟创意产业内工作室环境中发展他们的技能和思维,与就读有关艺术、商业和科技领域的同学们一同成长。



UK’s top specialist art and design university for world-leading research outputs in the most recent Research Excellence Framework.


Specialist Creative University in the UK for 2024, according to The Guardian.




修读学科 学分 评估项目
行为研究与消费 15 作品集
创意思维 15
  1. 书面作业
  2. 口头评估,包括演示
数码营销分析 15 作品集
全球创意产业 15
  1. 书面作业
  2. PowerPoint演示
以人为本的创新与设计 15 作品集
市场营销、设计与传播 15 作品集
广告原理 15 作品集
产品与原型制作 15 作品集
硕士专案 60
  1. 书面研究专案建议书
  2. 最终专案
合共: 180  


(15 学分)
本单元将概述行销、社会学和心理学中的主要行为理论及其最新趋势,以分析并了解消费者的决策过程及主要因素,特别应用于文化和创意产品领域 。
(15 学分)
本单元将介绍创造力的定义和概念。 它允许您探索创造力的本质,并将创造力的方法与品味、消费者需求以及使用者介面的概念进行反思。 通过接触各种模型和方法,您将更加熟练地生成创意、进行横向思维,并将创意与解决行销相关问题的方法相连接。
(15 学分)
本单元将探讨数码行销和技术的发展、行销理论和实践以及数码消费者。 您将分析趋势和数码通信,以创新、探索和创建数码行销/媒体策略和计划,以吸引各种受众,包括利益相关者、客户和消费者。
(15 学分)
本单元将提供关于在创意领域中,在全球环境中管理业务和流程的当前理论和实践的全面知识。 重点关注当代商业和行销概念,使您能够在这个不断变化和需求日增的环境中找到自己的定位。
(15 学分)
以人为本的设计(HCD)是解决问题的创造性方式。 它是一个为人们设计的过程,从您为其展开想法的人们开始,并以满足他们需求的个人化解决方案结束。 您将学习如何通过应用HCD和创新原则与技术,在计划和管理中进行各种相关活动,以满足商业、社会和全球环境中用户的需求和要求来设计和开发系统。
(15 学分)
如果我们将品牌理解为战略,那么我们可以将行销理解为实现品牌至特定业务目标的战术力量。 本单元的目的是教授如何以这种方式理解品牌,以便您能够提高自己的行销、设计和沟通技能,并探索解决当前行业问题的方案。
(15 学分)
理解广告的历史和演变有助于我们了解这个行业既有的基础结构以及未来的发展方向。 本单元涵盖了该行业的历史、广告机构的构成、客户理解、广告概念和品牌的作用,以及当前行业面临的问题。
(15 学分)
本单元将专注于自主实践,您将定义和发展个人的理念和工作方法。 研究和实践将围绕文献综述和专案建议书展开,并经由导师指导。 通过原型设计思想和概念,您将能够构建、视觉化、学习和测试自己的设计成果。
(60 学分)
硕士专案是您学习的最终成果,分为两个部分:研究专案建议书和最终专案。 这两部分都代表着深入研究,必须在专业领域中处理一个真实的问题,进行分析,同时应用在课程所学到的当代概念和框架,制定一个具体的策略和实施计划。




靳埭强博士, SBS, BBS

Dr Kan studied art and design and started his design career in 1967. He played an important role in the New Ink Movement in the 1970s. Dr Kan has won numerous prestigious awards around the world. He was elected as one of the Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons in 1979. Other important awards include the Urban Council Fine Art Award (1981); the Gold Awards, International Art Competition, Los Angeles (1984); and the Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century in the UK (2000). In 2005, he was conferred an Honorary Doctor of Design by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2016, he was awarded the HKDA Lifetime Honorary Award by the Hong Kong Designers Association. His works have received critical acclaim and are frequently exhibited around the world and collected by prominent museums. He was the Dean of the Cheung Kong Art and Design School of Shantou University (from 2003 to 2011) and is now engaging in various industrywide advisory teams.

Source: https://www.westkowloon.hk/en/the-authority/board/people/dr-kan-tai-keung-sbs-dr-kan-tai-keung-sbs/page/10



Founder and Director, Yip Design Ltd.; Chairman, Hong Kong Design Trade Association; Visiting Professor, Chengdu University & Xihua University, China

Alan founded Yip Design Ltd. in 1990. He is an international renowned product designer and owns over 40 international design and invention patents. International clients include: Philips, Emerson, RCA, VS Sassoon, Nintendo, Hitachi, Akai, Sansui, Daewoo, Hyundai, Toma, Towngas and more. One of the awards he received was the 2008 IF Design Award. He served the community as Chairman of the Hong Kong Designers Association and many more.

For more information about Alan, please click here.


Executive Director, Hong Kong Dance Company Limited

Meggy has over 20 years of experience managing marketing and communication in both commercial and art sectors. Some of the renowned global brands she managed include Procter & Gamble (Greater China) and McDonald’s (Hong Kong). Meggy was awarded the Hong Kong Scholarship for “Clore Leadership Programme 2018/19” by Hong Kong Arts Development Council to undertake the Clore Leadership Programme in the United Kingdom. She was also awarded the HKMA/TVB Marketing Excellence 2019 “Distinguished Marketing Leadership Awards” and named “Marketer of the Year 2019” by Hong Kong Management Association.In 2023, she led the marketing team on “Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to Now” campaign and awarded the “Now TV Gold Award” at the HKMA/ViuTV & Now TV Awards for Marketing Excellence 2023.

For more information about Meggy, please click here.


General Manager, Central Market, Chinachem Group

Angie has comprehensive experiences in branding, marketing, strategic planning, event management, public relations and crisis management. She plays a key role in promoting Lee Tung Avenue; a joint venture project owned by Sino Group, Hopewell Holdings and Urban renewal Authority and obtained awards for launching varies “talk of the town” projects. She previously managed campaigns for Hong Kong Jockey Club, Link Asset Management and Swire Properties. She has been awarded as the Distinguished Marketing Leadership of the HKMA/TVB Awards Marketing of Excellence in 2018 and was appointed as the Committee member of Hong Kong Association of Youth Development and Wan Chai District Youth Programme.

For more information about Angie, please click here.


Senior Director and Head of Marketing and Communications, Greater China, Cushman & Wakefield

Albert has served as a key member of the management team in multiple internationally listed companies. His areas of focus include: marketing strategy and channel optimization, marketing platform development and result management, content creation and new media development, strategic branding and visual consultancy, user experience enhancement, digital marketing and e-commerce, and partnership development. Albert is Co-Chairman of the Manchester Business School China Alumni Association and member of both the American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai and the British Chamber of Commerce China.

For more information about Albert, please click here.


Director, Oh Wow Corporation Limited

Daryl comes with 20+ years of business experience. His most notable achievement would be turning a water brand into market leader. Daryl has been a pioneer in experience design for over 10 years, and has helped MNCs and SMEs design integrated brand, customer, and employee experiences for lasting improvements to performance. He is partner of Joe Pine, the author of The Experience Economy. His book Experience Wave is well received in China. Daryl holds a BA (Hons) in Economics from the University of Western Ontario, and Master in Marketing from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

For more information about Daryl, please click here.


ALPS annie ling is a fashion label provides modern contemporary clothing underlay with sports and technology inspired elements. The brand focuses in timeless designs with unexpected details using high quality and high innovative materials.

For more information about Annie, please click here.


James Law JP, is an architect, technologist and entrepreneur. Renowned for creating the philosophy of Cybertecture in which a better world is designed with technology to alleviate suffering for mankind, his company’s projects cover buildings, spaces, technologies, education and social design.

For more information about James, please click here.


James is the Senior Associate of a Hong Kong IP specialist law firm, ELLALAN. Qualified in Hong Kong as a practising solicitor, he specialises in handling IP enforcement, contentious and advisory matters.

For more information about James, please click here.


Chan Pak Hei, Kade, Founding Chairman of Hong Kong Origami Academy, who is a professional origami artist and product/graphic designer, graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – School of Design (Bachelor of Arts (BA) – Industrial and Product Design). Kade Chan has more than 300 original origami designs and over 15 years experience on origami teaching, also organized more than 500 public events/exhibitions and collaborated with many famous brands such as Ferragamo, Lamborghiniand Bottega Veneta.

For more information about Kade, please click here.

Hear from our Graduate

Ms Peggy Yeung
2020 Graduate

“In 16 months, I completed a Master’s Degree with Distinction, met a lot of new and amazing people from different backgrounds, sharpened my knowledge, explored my capabilities, and even designed a mobile app in my area of interest. After 7 years of working as an Executive Assistant, I received an offer and am now on my way to pursue a PhD degree in Social and Public Health in UK. All of these things happened thanks to my decision to apply to the MA Design, Innovation and Brand Management programme offered by the University for the Creative Arts which is organised by the Hong Kong Management Association.”



HK$97,500 (早鳥價)
HK$102,500 (原價)


  • 第1-4期:HK$23,500
  • 第5期:HK$8,500 (硕士专案学科)

* 本课程为「扩展的免入息审查贷款计划」合资格课程 。




  • 持有荣誉学位或学位等级较低的子学位,无论是在该学科还是相关学科上,并具有丰富的工作经验;或
  • 具有相关工作或经验,能够展示具备研究生水准上学习能力的申请人。



  • 完成与英文授课的学士学位或以上学历相当的学术资格;或
  • 雅思 (IELTS) 6.5或以上,且各单项成绩不低于 5.5;或
  • 通过该课程的英语口语和写作测试。




电话: 2774 8537
电邮: pollychan@hkma.org.hk


电话: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025
电邮: hkma@hkma.org.hk / enrol@hkma.org.hk
传真: 2365 1000
