學費低至$2,160,學員最高可享超過$18,000學費減免 ($4000 Group Discount + $5000 Early Bird + $9040 GSF 學費減免)
Pilot GSF Capacity Building Support Scheme
This programme is one of the Eligible Programmes under the Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme .
Eligible applicants may apply for reimbursement of relevant fees upon successful completion of Eligible Programmes, subject to a ceiling of HK$10,000 and other conditions.
Eligible applicants may claim up to 80% of the reimbursable fees of an Eligible Programme.
Eligible applicants who are full-time students in relevant disciplines during the whole period of an Eligible Programme (i.e. from the enrolment date to the completion date of the Eligible Programme, both dates inclusive) may claim up to 100% of the reimbursable fees of an Eligible Programme.
培訓機構 : 香港管理專業協會
培訓機構識別碼: PP-TRR419
培訓及資歷識別碼: GTP-455229
培訓及資歷名稱: 環境、社會、企業管治策略及革新與淨零排放高等行政文憑課程
本課程已加入「綠色和可持續金融培訓先導計劃」可獲發還款項課程名單內,合資格學員可向政府申請學費資助,上限為港幣10,000元,並受本計劃下的條件所約束。詳情請瀏覽秘書處網站 。
有關申請資格,請瀏覽https://www.greentalent.org.hk/Individuals。 有關計劃的更多詳情,請瀏覽https://www.greentalent.org.hk/ 或直接聯enquiry@greentalent.org.hk 此計劃之查詢熱線:+852 2258 6000
環境、社會、企業管治策略及革新與淨零排放高等行政文憑課程(Advanced Executive Diploma in ESG Strategy and Innovation for Net-Zero),幫助管理階層裝備實務的ESG知識以及策略思維,把ESG及碳中和由理論轉化成可實踐、並且可量化的計畫,以符合持份者的期望和提升企業的競爭優勢。
HK$20,300Group discount:
HK$4,000 less per participant (for two or more bookings joining the same session of the Programme at the same time)教學語言:
面授 / 網上授課綠色和可持續金融培訓先導計劃
Advanced Executive Diploma in ESG Strategy and Innovation for Net-Zero
- 國際趨勢的可持續發展和法規
- 實踐可持續發展的路徑圖、目標和價值觀
- ESG戰略對齊和結構重塑
- ESG報告的當前不足和法律風險
- ESG與企業風險管理(ERM)的整合
- 淨零轉型計劃和碳減排技術
- 綠色金融工具和碳資產管理
- 商業彈性模式和新商機
- 可持續投資、代幣化和節約成本措施
- 瞭解可持續發展時代的挑戰和機遇,以及全球倡議轉向碳中和的範式轉變
- 在商業成果和競爭力方面,明確整合可持續性管治和創新管理的政策
- 採用系統方法來實踐風險管理並確定與金融和環境監管機構採用的 ESG 和 NetZero 分類法相關的新業務模式
- 理解通過綠色技術的技術解決方案,有效的資源管理和成本節約來改變日常營運
- 了解綠色投資和可持續金融工具的國際趨勢,以及用於碳管理的數字代幣化
- 可申請授認可ESG策劃師CEP®資格
Dr. William Yu is an energy economist and climate professional by training and completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge.
余遠騁博士 (Dr. William Yu) 現為「世界綠色組織」創辦人兼行政總裁,是能源經濟學家及氣候專才,於英國劍橋大學取得博士學位,並於美國亞利桑那州立大學的Thunderbird 全球管理學院取得行政人員工商管理碩士,及在劍橋大學完成可持續金融課程;此外,余博士獲得哈佛商學院獎學金,修讀非營利行政人員管理課程。
余博士多年來擔任聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員(UNESCAP) ESBN 專責小組成員,同時擔任聯合國 ESBN 2022 亞太商業論壇 (APBF) 的副主席。 並成功與聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會於香港合辦多屆聯合國「氣候變化融資及可持續投資」國際會議。此外,余博士為聯合國開發計劃署SDG 影響力標準認證講師、認可ESG 策劃師(CEP)及上海環境能源交易所的中國注冊碳交易員,在不同的私營及公共機構擔任顧問或委員會成員,包括環境及生態局轄下碳中和及可持續發展委員會及環境諮詢委員會委員及香港運輸及房屋局-航空發展與機場三跑道系統諮詢委員會委員等。
at Crystal International Group Limited
on 20 August 2022 (Saturday)
at The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas)
on 14 May 2022 (Saturday)
“This has been an amazing learning experience, far exceeding my expectations. I wasn’t aware of any other similar courses with comparable quality of speakers and the depth of lecturing, especially in the timely topics, like carbon trading and tokenization. I enjoyed every lecture.”
Ms Vivien Soo, Director
Gaintone Technology International Holdings Limited
“This course is very inspirational and useful that equips me with practical skills to devise in-depth ESG strategy and net-zero roadmap for my company.” I am glad to obtain the professional qualification of ESG Certified Planner after attending the training.
Ms Peggy Tang
Sustainability Manager, Nan Fung Development Ltd.
“Dr. William Yu is very passionate! The programme is absolutely beneficial to both my career development and professional career. The course is taught through a structured way that not only international and local regulations as well as principles are covered. Business cases and real exemplary across different industries and regions are also discussed which inspired me to a great extent. Top leaders of ESG practitioners, investors and business leaders shared their knowledge, best practices and insights which business executives who have a sustainable vision should equip themselves with. After all, it’s a rewarding journey to engage in, get inspired and network with other business executives and ESG advocates.”
Ms Kannes Wong
Head of Strategy and Planning, Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong)
“The company tour, paying a half-day visit to a large-cap listed company, was impressive and inspiring. Apart from the fruitful conversation with their senior management, the well-organized presentation and site-visit allowed me to get a very thorough understanding of its history of ESG development and Innovation.”
Ms Emily Leung
Senior Manager, Sustainability Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group
“This comprehensive course covers both global trends and local issues, giving us a holistic perspective on the best practices of ESG and Net Zero. What is equally impressive is the expert speaker line-up and the strong student network.”
Ms. Crystal Chan
Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Impact, MacDonald
Supporting Organisations
林小姐 | |
電話: | 2774 8552 |
電郵: | lydialam@hkma.org.hk |
電話: | 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025 |
電郵: | hkma@hkma.org.hk / enrol@hkma.org.hk |
傳真: | 2365 1000 |