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Assessment Criteria

The award criteria are rooted in the Baldrige Excellence Framework, presented as a set of questions that address organizational resilience and long-term success informed by the Framework and business and academic literature on organizational resilience. The assessment criteria are:

  1. Leadership and Governance:
    About your performance and processes related to senior leadership communication, governance and accountability, grievances, and complaints, as well as succession planning and societal contributions.
  2. Operations:
    About your performance and key processes related to your products, services, or programmes, including your supply-network management, cybersecurity, risk management, emergency preparedness, and operational continuity.
  3. Workforce:
    About your performance for key processes for engaging, development, and ensuring the health and safety of workforce members, including measures of workforce satisfaction, engagement, turnover, and absenteeism, as well as the development of current and future leaders, workforce training, safety incidents, and other indicators of workplace health and safety.
  4. Customer and Markets:
    About your performance for key processes related to your Customers and Markets, including market share, customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and customer loyalty.
  5. Finance:
    About the performance of your organization’s financial management efforts (financial viability and financial performance), including processes for ensuring access to capital during disruptions to support both short-term needs and long-term success.
  6. Strategy:
    About your process for developing and implementing strategic objectives that are responsive to your challenges and opportunities, and metrics for checking progress.
  7. Organizational Learning:
    About processes for performance measurement and improvement, knowledge management, and innovation, including the processes used to determine innovation choices.
  8. Community Relationships:
    About the strength of your organization’s ties to key communities, focusing on fast and efficient resource sharing, which is crucial during disruptions and creates opportunities for benchmarking and innovation.

Source: https://www.nist.gov/baldrige