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The search for QUALITY is the single most important force leading to organizational success and growth in both national and international markets. The organizations which will succeed are those that can maintain a dedication to Quality in each and every organizational function.

The HKMA Quality Awards are the most prestigious business accolades presented by The Hong Kong Management Association since 1991. Modeled after various renowned quality awards from around the world, HKMA Quality Awards aim to give due recognition to organizations that have achieved outstanding standards of quality, and have made a lasting commitment to quality management.

The HKMA Quality Awards consist of two prestigious accolades: the Best Managed Organizations Award, which recognizes organizations demonstrating excellence in total quality management, and the Best Practices Award, designed to commend specific campaigns, plans, or projects that embody the spirit of total quality management.


The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, named after the late Secretary of Commerce of the United States, was created by the US Congress in 1987. It is the highest level of national recognition for quality performance and practices that a US organization can receive. It is intended to spark interest and involvement in quality programmes, drive American products and services to higher levels of quality, and better equip organizations to meet the challenges of global competition.


The Deming Prize was instituted in Japan in 1951 by a formal resolution of the JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers) Board of Directors in grateful recognition of Dr W Edward Deming's friendship and his achievements in promoting industrial quality control.

It has become customary in Japan for corporations intending to improve their performance in products or services to vie for the Deming Prize, not only for the prestige that goes with this honour but also to benefit from internal improvements that result from the implementation of total or company-wide quality control (TQC or CWQC) that is needed in order to qualify for the award.


The European Quality Award was first presented in Europe in 1992 to honour the most successful exponent of Total Quality Management (TQM). To receive the Award, an applicant must demonstrate that its approach to TQM has contributed significantly over the past few years to satisfying the expectations of customers, employees and others with an interest in the company.

  • Reward commitment in a changing landscape
  • Elevate public recognition for top-tier quality management achievers
  • Foster best practice sharing for excellence and growth

  • Obtain valuable advice from respected quality experts in the territory
  • Benefit from a complimentary private workshop on Total Quality Management
  • Receive detailed recommendations and feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your quality programme
  • Bring prestige to your company within the business community
  • Gain extensive publicity and press coverage from Award Media Sponsors as a winner
  • Earn public recognition for your business
  • Undergo a full "health check" of your organization
  • Boost pride and morale among your staff
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement within your organization
  • Showcase your business' brand and image in a competitive market
  • Enhance transparency in the public eye for a better understanding of your organization's contributions

  • All information and documents supplied by Award entrants including entrant identities and commentaries developed during the review of entries are kept confidential and will be used only for the judging of the Award.
  • All Judges and Examiners are required to declare in advance to the Award Secretariat any cases or situations which may create any apparent or potential conflict of interest. The Judge or Examiner in question would be barred from reviewing the entries concerned or handling in any manner the materials submitted by the award entrant involved.
