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Company Nomination
(Deadline: Monday, 15 April 2024)
All entrants have to be nominated by their companies which are required to send in the Company Nomination Form. A company can nominate one candidate for the Distinguished Marketing Leadership Award and a maximum of five candidates for the Outstanding Marketing Professional Awards.
Submission of Write-ups
(Deadline: Tuesday, 28 May 2024)
All entries have to submit, in English or Chinese:
  • A four-page summary covering the judging criteria; and
  • A one-page summary of personal information
to be reviewed by the Board of Examiners.
Final Judging
(Saturday, 17 August 2024)
Shortlisted entrants of the Distinguished Marketing Leadership Awards and the Outstanding Marketing Professional Awards will be invited to the Final Judging which will include two parts as follows:

Part One:
Presentation on "Signature Campaign" (8 minutes)
Question-and-Answer Session (5 minutes)

Part Two:
Presentation on a case topic (5 minutes)
 (All finalists will be given 30 minutes to prepare a case topic before his/her assigned interview time.)
Question-and-Answer Session (2 minutes)

Winners of the ViuTV Marketer of the Year, the Distinguished Marketing Leadership Awards as well as the Outstanding Marketing Professional Awards will be selected by the Panel of Judges.
Award Presentation Dinner
(Wednesday, 9 October 2024)
All the results of the Awards will be announced at the Award Presentation Dinner.