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Guidelines for Quality Award Applicants

- For Main Category Applicants -


The Initial Submission should include:

  • Summary of how your organization addresses the Seven Criteria, namely, Leadership; Strategy; Customers; Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management; Workforce; Operations; and Results in your quality programme.
  • Areas for Improvement in your organization according to the Seven Criteria.

For a full description of the seven criteria, please refer to 2023 - 2024 Criteria for Performance Excellence or contact the Award Secretariat qualityaward@hkma.org.hk

Word Limit:

  • 200 words or less for each criterion, plus 200 words or less for "Area for Improvement"


The Initial Submission should be formatted as follows:

  • Typed on standard A4-size paper
  • Single-lined spacing
  • Minimum font size of 10 points
  • Presented in bullet-point or essay format
  • Start on a new page when addressing different criteria

Please send 2 identical copies of the application form together with your Initial Submission to:

The Quality Award Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
16/F Tower B Southmark
11 Yip Hing Street
Wong Chuk Hang

AND Email the Initial Submission in PDF format with the Application Form to the Quality Award Secretariat: qualityaward@hkma.org.hk


All information and documents supplied by the Award applicants will be held in strict confidence. The Award Secretariat reserves the right to terminate the processing of an application due to incomplete or insufficient information in the submission.

- For Main Category Applicants -


The Final Submission should include the following headings and sub-headings.

  • Table of Contents
  • Organization Chart(s)
  • Organizational Profile (5 pages or less)
    1. Organizational Description
    2. Organizational Situation
  • Responses Addressing All Seven Criteria (Sections 1-7) (50 pages or less)
    The Final Submission will only be assessed up to the 50th page. Information supplied Thereafter will not be assessed.
  • Appendices (e.g. Annual Report, Other Corporate Information)
    Can be submitted under separate cover.


The Final Submission addressing the criteria should be formatted as follows:

  • Typed on standard A4-size paper (please do not use glossy paper)
  • Single-lined spacing
  • Minimum font size of 10 points
  • Not more than 50 pages for Sections 1 to 7
  • Labeled tabs or dividers to separate sections
  • Ring bound for ease of processing
  • Numbering on every page and for every area/item of address
  • New page for addressing different criteria
  • All submissions must be endorsed by the organization's top executive

Please send the Award Secretariat 20 identical copies of the submission and all enclosures, which are not returnable to:

The Quality Award Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
16/F Tower B Southmark
11 Yip Hing Street
Wong Chuk Hang

AND Email the Final Submission in PDF format to the Quality Award Secretariat :qualityaward@hkma.org.hk


All information and documents supplied by the Award applicants will be held in strict confidence. The Award Secretariat reserves the right to terminate the processing of an application due to incomplete or insufficient information in the submission.

Screening decisions rely heavily upon the details and contents supplied in the submissions.