
Reg No 253035 | |
伍斯特大学 | |
https://www.worcester.ac.uk/ | |
伍斯特大学是一所享誉国际的大学。 大学连续于2019年、2020年和2021年于英国泰晤士报高等教育大学排名榜的优质教育排名榜中位列三甲。
Modules are taught by University of Worcester or local associate faculty. They are grounded in contemporary research and practice in business psychology.
学生只需用18个月便可成功完成 7个科目和一个研究论文便可取得学位。
伍斯特大学的历史可以追溯到 1946 年,它以世界一级的教学方法,以及既实用又目标为本的研究而享负盛名。伍斯特大学是一所充满活力以及前瞻性的大学,以其高质素的学位课程而闻名于世,毕业生亦广受雇主所欢迎。
“I am delighted that you are interested in our innovative postgraduate course MSc Business Psychology, and I am proud that we are partnering with the Hong Kong Management Association to bring this course to you. MSc Business Psychology is one of our most established postgraduate courses, taught by experienced academics with industry experience and global knowledge. I look forward to personally welcoming you to the School and invite you to be part of our on-going success.”
“Business Psychology MSc is an innovative postgraduate qualification that applies psychology to business and organisations. Business Psychology is one of the fastest growing disciplines in Applied Psychology as organisations seek to realise the potential of their employees in an increasingly competitive global market. Our MSc has been designed to meet the needs of working professionals who want to attain this valuable qualification to the benefit of themselves and their organisations. At Worcester taught elements of the course are delivered by a team of experts currently working in the field. As such they are grounded in contemporary research and practice in occupational and business psychology.”
单元 | 学分 |
Advanced Research Analysis 2 | 15 |
Leadership, Engagement and Motivation | 15 |
Learning, Training and Development | 15 |
Professional Skills Development | 30 |
Psychological Assessment at Work | 15 |
Well-being and Work | 15 |
Work Design, Organizational Change and Development | 15 |
Dissertation | 60 |
第一周 | 预习 | ||
第二周 | 单元一(15学分)/单元三(30学分) | 星期六 (2pm – 7pm) | 星期日 (10am – 6pm) |
第三周 | 单元二(15学分)/单元三(30学分) | ||
第四周 | 自习/准备习作 | ||
第五周 | 自习/准备习作 | ||
第六周 | 自习/准备习作 | ||
第七周 | 单元一(15学分)/单元三(30学分) | 星期六 (2pm – 7pm) | 星期日 (10am – 6pm) |
第八周 | 单元二(15学分)/单元三(30学分) | ||
第九周 | 自习/准备习作 | ||
第十周 | 自习/准备习作 | ||
第十一周 | 自习/准备习作 | ||
第十二周 | 提交习作 |
注2:Advanced Research Analysis 2: 上课时间为下午2时至7时(星期六)及上午10时至下午6时(星期日)。
Andy Coles
Business Psychology MSc
“I started my MSc in Business Psychology on a part time basis as a mature student. I had already been working in business consulting for a number of years, and had always been interested in psychology. I wanted to combine my passion with a profession.
I needed to study flexibly to suit my varied work pattern. I also wanted a direct relationship between what I studied and what I did. For me, I would be a better consultant by learning psychology, and a better psychologist by working in consultancy. I am really happy to say that this was the case; each module I took had a direct relationship to my work and my tutors always encouraged me to apply my learning in a practical context.
I achieved much more support from my personal tutor than I ever expected; this was really helpful both in terms of learning how to engage academically at masters level and for giving me real direction in my career.
Since graduating, I have been able to work across a broader field of psychology than before and have accessed more specialist work. My tutor also encouraged me to submit my dissertation research to conferences. I ended up as a finalist in the Association of Business Psychology’s 2016 Conference Workplace Awards and have also submitted papers to academic journals for publication.
I think I am a better social scientist and do a better job for my clients than ever before. Thank you Worcester!”
This programme is an eligible programme under The Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) provided by the Government of HKSAR. For details, please refer to: https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/en/sfo/postsecondary/enls/overview.php
* 经此渠道之报读人士需个别评审,有机会被邀请参加面试。
李先生 | |
电话: | 2774 8550 |
电邮: | mscby.worcester@hkma.org.hk |
陳小姐 | |
电话: | 3628 3429 |
电邮: | mscby.worcester@hkma.org.hk |
电话: | 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025 |
电邮: | hkma@hkma.org.hk / enrol@hkma.org.hk |
传真: | 2365 1000 |