工商管理博士 (DBA)

工商管理博士 (DBA)


工商管理博士学位课程 (DBA)是一个专业的博士学位,通过授课科目提供结构化的学习计划,与个人的职业发展紧密结合。 DBA课程为期3年,为有工商管理及相关领域实务经验的管理人员而设,注重理论应用于实践。


  • 在港修读,与英国本土工商管理博士学位课程 (DBA) 的资格相同
  • 继牛津和剑桥大学后,韦尔斯和英格兰最古老的皇家宪章大学
  • 讲师和教学质量在英国排前十名(2023 年 Whatuni 学生选择奖)
  • 学生满意度在英国排前十名(2023 年全国学生调查)
  • 本地及海外大学丰富教学经验团队
  • 可在 3 年内完成:六个学科(1年在香港修读,100% 以作业评核)+ 论文(可在任何地方完成)
  • 毋须考试


课程理论与实践并重,令高管人员能够获得所需的管理知识、专业知识和洞察力,以迎接未来生活和职场上的个人和专业挑战。 课程由大学的管理教学专家设计,使学生能够解决实际和复杂的商业问题,并着重于跨学科领域应用研究技能的发展。


为了让学生对商业实践有最新的了解,课程将由不同背景的教职人员联合组成, 大部分教员长驻香港,包括来自高级管理层和专业领域的资深学术人士。 教学团既具备学术素养,又拥有丰富的实务经验和国际教育背景。 此外,借着香港管理专业协会与商界的紧密联系,教学团队能够将最新的商业和管理趋势融入教学中。


课程提供严谨的监督政策和指导安排,密切关注博士研究生的进展,并提供必要的支持和协助。 博士研究生的研究论文指导团队由一位研究主任和一位导师组成。 指导团队需由大学的研究学位课程委员会核准。 团队会定期定期与研究生安排督导会议,以增强学生与导师之间的沟通和互动。 我们致力提供优优良的论文研究指导,以引领学生取得卓越的成果。


香港管理专业协会 (HKMA) 在商界拥有庞大的人脉网络,为学生提供了独特的机会,让他们掌握最新的管理趋势和企业高层关注的核心问题。 协会每年举办各种活动,包括大型会议、研讨会、讲座和工作坊,由本地和海外的商界领袖和管理专家主讲。 本课程的学生将免费获得香港管理专业协会会员资格一年(价值港币500元),可免费或以优惠价钱参加不同活动。









HK$318,000 (After early bird discount of HK$10,000)


课程小册子 申请表 私人咨询


威尔斯三一圣大卫大学 (The University of Wales Trinity Saint David,UWTSD) 于2010年11月18日根据兰彼得1828年皇家宪章成立,由威尔斯兰彼得大学和三一大学卡马森学院合并而成。 2013年与史旺斯城市大学合并后,成为韦尔斯三一圣大卫大学。


为了实现将优秀的威尔士元素带给全球,同时吸引全球顶尖资源到威尔斯的愿景,UWTSD于2018年7月与威尔士大学(the University of Wales)共同创办了威尔士国际学院 (Wales Global Academy)。透过扩展国际合作项目,UWTSD为来自世界各地的学生提供课程及卓越机遇。



工商管理博士学位 (DBA) 课程分为两个部分。第一部分是授课科目,而第二部分则是研究论文。学生必须先完成第一 部分,才能进入第二部分。成功完成两个部分,总共获得540学分后,将获颁授工商管理博士学位。

第一 部分 (180 学分)

  1. 研究原理与理念 (Research Principles and Philosophy)
  2. 未来愿景 – 管理的理论观点 (Visions for the Future – Theoretical Perspectives on Management)
  3. 博士研究的批判性文献回顾 (Critical Literature Review for Doctoral Research)
  4. 将研究转化为实践 (Converting Research into Practice)
  5. 定量研究方法 (Quantitative Research Methods)
  6. 进入博士研究阶段 (Advancing to Doctoral Research Stage)


第二部分 (360学分)

  1. 研究论文 (Research Dissertation)


工商管理博士学位(DBA)由威尔斯三一圣大卫大学 (UWTSD) 颁授,香港学员取得的DBA学位,学术地位与大学颁授予修读相同课程的英国毕业生的博士学位相同。


韦尔斯三一圣戴维大学工商管理硕士 (MBA) 学位课程(Master of Business Administration)

工商管理硕士学位课程 (MBA) 是国际上享有高度认可的管理资格,能够提升经验丰富的管理人员的技能和能力,同时也为学士毕业生提供进入管理职业生涯的机会。

这个为期15至18 个月的 MBA 课程专为来自不同背景、希望增强管理能力、丰富学习经验,以及开拓国际视野的学生而设。


Professor Jill VENUS PhD
UWTSD Executive Programme Team Leader – Research Degrees

Research Interests

  • Small businesses, entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Entrepreneurship policy and support
  • Developing and enhancing micro-enterprise activity
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Women and enterprise
  • Rural regeneration

Recent Publications

  • Jagger S, Venus J and Casiday R (2016) The Toledo Methodology for Micro, Rural & Indigenous Entrepreneurship Research; A Concept Paper. Paper published in proceedings of National Conference on Methodological Issues in Social Entrepreneurship Research, Mumbai, India.
  • Xiao, L., and Venus, J., (2014) Policy Scenarios Analysis and Implications for Chinese Automotive Industry in Terms of Vehicle Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emission. The First International Conference on Modern Auto Technology and Services (MATS2014) Wuhan University of Technology October 2014

Biography Read More

Dr Andrew CHAN

Research Interests

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Customer Service and Experience
  • Brand Equity
  • Multivariate Data Analysis

Recent Publications

  • Ko, A., Chan, A. & Wong, S. (2019). A scale development study of CSR: Hotel employees’ perceptions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1857-1884.
  • Chan, A., Hsu, H., & Baum, T. (2015). The impact of tour service performance on tourist satisfaction and behavioral intentions: A study of Chinese tourists in Hong Kong. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.
  • Lloyd, A., Chan, R., Yip, L., & Chan, A. (2014). Time buying and time saving: Effects on service convenience and the shopping experience at the mall. Journal of Services Marketing.


Dr Andrew Chan earned his B.B.A. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, his MBA from the University of Texas, Arlington, and his PhD from the University of Strathclyde. He had been an Assistant Professor from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for 22 years.

Dr Chan has widely published in various academic journals of international standing, such as the Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Tourism Management and Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.

Doctoral research projects recently supervised involve organisational behaviour, co-creation of tourism experience, consumer behaviour in casual dining restaurants, hotel brand equity and leadership perceptions.

Dr Millissa CHEUNG

Research Interests

Organizational behavior research interests:

  • Supervisor-subordinate guanxi
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Organizational justice
  • Work-family conflict
  • Psychological contract

Marketing research interests:

  • Consumer psychology
  • Consumer ethics
  • Consumer co-creation
  • Green marketing
  • Relationship Marketing

Recent Publications

  • Cheung, F. Y., & To, W. M. (2022). What influences people to click ‘like’ on posts of branded content?Journal of Strategic Marketing. March https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2022.2058067
  • Jing Sun, Amanuel Tekleab, Millissa Cheung, Wei-Ping Wu (2022). The contingent roles of market turbulence and organizational innovativeness on the relationships among interfirm trust, formal contracts, interfirm knowledge sharing and firm performance. Journal of Knowledge Management. July https://doi 10.1108/JKM-04-2022-0289
  • Cheung, F. Y., & To, W. M. (2021). Effect of customer involvement on co-creation of services: A Moderated mediation model. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol 63, 102660. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102660
  • Cheung, F. Y., & To. W. M. (2021). The effects of customer involvement on perceived service performance and word-of-mouth: The mediating role of service co-creation. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 23 November https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102660
  • Cheung, F. Y., C. S. Wong, & C. K. Chiu (2021). Effect of conflict-outcomes: Moderating role of psychosocial mentoring and emotional intelligence. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. Accepted and forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1111/1744-7941.12292
  • Cheung, F. Y., & To. W. M. (2020). The effects of customer involvement on perceived service performance and word-of-mouth: The mediating role of service co-creation. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 28 August 2020.
  • Cheung, F. Y. & To, W. M. (2020). The effect of consumer perceptions of the ethics of retailers on purchase behavior and word-of-mouth: The moderating role of ethical beliefs. Journal of Business Ethics. Accepted on 10 Jan 2020.Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04431-6
  • Cheung, F. Y., & Iris Zhang (2020). The triggering effect of office design on employee creative performance: an empirical study on validating Duffy’s conceptualization. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. May 2020.
  • Cheung, F. Y., & W. M. To (2019). An extended model of value-attitude-behavior to explain Chinese consumers’ green purchase behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50, pp. 145-153.
  • Bai, Y., Wu, W. P., & Cheung, F. Y. (2019). How Personality Traits, Employee Incompetence and Consumer Similarity Influence Shoplifting Behavior. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36(3), pp. 379-392.


Dr Millissa F Y Cheung received her PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has published severalpeer-reviewed articles in international journals and conference proceedings. Her research interests include organizational behavior, service marketing and marketing management.

Dr Monica CHOY

Research Interests

  • Talent Management
  • Destination Marketing
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Vocational and Professional Education and Training
  • Human Resources Management
  • Sustainability Strategies
  • Japanese Culture

Recent Publications

  • Choy, M. W.C., Or, B, & Liu, T.F. (2023). Post-COVID-19 Travel Intentions to Kenya from Hong Kong by applying the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insight (ESCI) (Teacher-student collaboration).
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2023). Person-environment fit: does it matter for tourism students’ career outcomes in an era of crisis? Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 3, 100414. (SSCI).
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2023). Person-Environment Fit: implications for vocational students’ career in the era of crisis. In C. Hong and W. W. K. Ma (Eds.), Applied Degree Education and the Shape of Things to Come, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (LNET) Series. Singapore, Springer.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2022). Career choice of tourism students in a triple-whammy crisis, PLOS ONE, 17(12), e0279411. (SCIE).
  • Choy, M.W.C., & Shih, C.C. (2022). The effect of employee uniform on job satisfaction: A case of the housekeeping department in a luxury five-star hotel in Hong Kong. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 20 (3), 559-574. (ESCI) (Teacher-student collaboration).
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2022). Factors influencing recommendation of sub-Saharan Africa travel products: a Hong Kong-Kenya importance-performance analysis. Tourism Economics, 28 (4), 1101-1128. (SSCI).
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Yeung, A. S. (2022). Cognitive and affective academic self-concepts: Which predicts vocational education students’ career choice? International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3 (2022) 100123.
  • Choy, M. W.C., & Kamoche, K. (2021). Identifying stabilizing and destabilizing factors of job change: a qualitative study of employee retention in the Hong Kong travel agency industry, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(10), 1375-1388. (SSCI).
  • Choy, M. W.C., Cheng, J., & Yu, K. (2021). Evaluating the environmental sustainability strategies of the housekeeping department: the case of an international hotel chain in Hong Kong. Tourism Critiques, 2(1), 115-132. (Teacher-student collaboration).


Dr Monica Choy is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Management and Hospitality at the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong. Prior to embarking on her career in education, she had acquired extensive business experience in the tourism and commercial sectors. She studied in Hong Kong, Australia, and Japan, and holds a BCom from the Curtin University of Technology, an MBA degree from the University of Sydney and University of New South Wales, an MSc in Hotel and Tourism Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a DBA from the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her research interests include tourism management and human resources management issues.

Professor Peter FONG
PhD (New York)

Research Interests

  • Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps
  • Strategic Management and Organisation Change
  • Human Resources Management
  • Executive Education and Corporate Training
  • Public Sector Management and Reform
  • Housing and Property Management

Recent Publications

  • Fong, Peter. (2023).”Editor-in-Chief’s Editorial” in Public Administration & Policy, An Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 26, No.1, Emerald Publishing, UK.
  • Fong, Peter. (2023).”Who will win the long game in the US-China competition?” Presented at the Seminar on National Security, 28 June, Chu Hai College, Hong Kong.
  • Fong, Peter. (2016).”Innovative methods of reducing traffic congestion: Is electronic road pricing a solution for Hong Kong?” Presented at the EROPA Conference, 10-13 October, Manila, The Philippines.
  • Fong, Peter. (2015).”Cross-border higher education collaborations between Mainland China and Hong Kong” presented at EROPA Conference, 17 October, Shanghai Administrative Institute, Shanghai, China.


Prof Peter Fong is President of Hong Kong Public Administration Association, Editor-in-Chief of Public Administration and Policy Journal published in open access by Emerald in the UK, and Managing Director, Peter Fong & Associates Limited. He teaches strategic management and supervises DBA students’ dissertations of the University of Wales TSD. He also serves as Honorary Fellow of Doctors Think Tank Academy; Advisors of International Chamber of Sustainable Development and Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia. He also holds professional memberships of HK Institute of Planners, Planning Institute Australia, and Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport.

He held Advisory/Visiting Professorships at Tongji, Tsinghua, Renmin, and Tianjin Universities in Mainland China as well as Chinese University of HK and HK Polytechnic University. He was a Teaching Fellow of Judge Business School, University of Cambridge; Visiting Scholar at MIT; Director of EMBA programme, HKU Business School; Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning & Urban Design, HKU; Executive Vice President of City University of Macao; Honorary Professor, China Training Centre for Senior Civil Servants in Beijing; Studies Director, Civil Service Training & Development Institute, HKSAR Government; and Consultants of Delta Asia Bank and the World Bank.

Prof Fong served as an Expert Assessor of the Research Assessment Exercise 2020 for the eight public funded universities in Hong Kong conducted by the University Grants Committee (UGC). He received his B.Soc.Sc. from CUHK, MUP & PhD from New York University.

Dr Florence HO

Research Interests

  • leadership and management practices
  • human resource management – employee resourcing and engagement, human development and organizational learning
  • organizational development
  • entrepreneurship
  • family business advising
  • adult education, continuing education and life-long learning
  • health care
  • services for the elderly
  • corporate governance and compliance issues
  • corporate communication
  • public policy

Recent Publications

  • Yuen, P, Chan, J., Ho, F., & Law, V. (2015). Continuous Professional Development and Lifelong Learning: Needs Assessment and Way Forward for Hong Kong’s Business and Industries. Public Administration & Policy Journal. Hong Kong.


Dr Florence Ho joined the School of Professional Education & Executive Development (SPEED), an affiliate of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2006, holding the position as Senior Lecturer and Assistant Program Director. Florence’s teaching expertise includes Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour, General University Requirements [GUR] – (Leadership in Practice, Personal Management), and Entrepreneurship.

As a Senior Research Fellow with the Public Policy Institute and Institute for Entrepreneurship, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Florence has participated in numerous public policy research studies and consultancy projects.

Dr Leo HO

Research Interests

  • Finance Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Merge and Acquisition
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Engineering Management
  • Entrepreneurial Development and Start-up Management
  • Digital transformation


Dr Ho is an experienced academic and business practitioner for over 26 years in Asia. He held senior executive positions of seasoned US-based multinational companies with extensive experience in IT & Telecommunications, and Engineering Industries. Dr. Ho has hands-on international managerial experience and research interests in Sales and Marketing Management, Human Resources and Learning and Development Management, Corporate Finance and Merge and Acquisition, Engineering Service, and Project Management. He has been involved actively in lecturing and supervising of research projects in various educational institutes and universities in Hong Kong.

Dr Ho obtained his Doctor of Business Administration from the University of South Australia; MBA from the Southern Cross University of Australia, and Bachelor of Science in Computer and Mathematics from the University of Western Ontario of Canada.

Dr Mike KAN

Research Interests

  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Reporting
  • Business Ethics
  • Corporate Governance
  • Sustainability
  • Human Resource Management

Recent Publications

  • Kan. H.K. (2020) “Research Proposal: Relationship between Sustainability Orientations and Employer Attractiveness in Hong Kong’s graduate labour market”. 2020 – IIIrd International Conference on Business, Economics, Law, Language & Psychology (ICBELLP), March 26-27, 2020, Singapore. Social Science and Humanities Research Association, Eurasia Research.
  • Ng M.L. Peggy, Lee, Daisy, Kan, H.K. (2020) “The impact of innovative climate on academics’ knowledge sharing behavior”. 2020 International Conference on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. 17 – 19 March 2020, Beijing China.
  • Yuen S.S.M., Ko A.H.C. and Kan M.H.K. (2018), “Corporate Social Responsibility Practice in Air Transport Logistics: A Case Study”. The 6th Annual Conference on Management and Social Science (2018 ACMASS), 27-29 November 2018, Osaka, Japan.
  • Kan, H.K. (2016). “Making Sense in Negative or Positive Employment-Choice Decisions n Hong Kong Graduate Labor Market.” International Academic Conference on Management and Information Technology, Singapore.
  • Kan, H.K. (2015). “Ethics in Hong Kong’s Graduate Labor Market”. The Fifth Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy, International Academic Forum, Osaka, Japan
  • Kan, H.K. (2015). “Corporate Social Responsibility in Hong Kong Graduate Labor Market”. International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management, Singapore
  • Kan, H K (2015). CSR Orientation and Employer Attractiveness – an empirical study in Hong Kong’s graduate labor market, ISBN :978-3-639-86013-9. Scholars’ Press, West Germany.


Dr Kan earned his Doctor of Business Administration and MSc in Strategic Focus, from Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University (U.K.); MSc in Accounting and BSc in Accounting from University of North Texas (USA).

In the professional arena, he has been an Associate Member (A.C.I.S.), The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, (U.K.); Associate (ACS), The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries; and Chartered Governance Professional (CGP), The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, (U.K.) and The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries.

Dr Kan has over 40 years of industry/university-teaching experience in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Before joining academia, he was a financial analyst at Baxter Healthcare Ltd. After that, he jointed SPEED of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, beginning his nearly 20 years of programme directorship in charge of academic collaboration/programmes management with universities/professional institutions in Hong Kong, Mainland China, UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. Apart from management work, he has also taught courses ranging from undergraduate to post-graduate levels, using English or Putonghua, covering corporate social responsibility, business ethics, corporate governance, accounting, business finance, marketing, human resource management, strategic management, strategic leadership, dissertation supervision etc.

Dr Anthony KO

Research Interests

  • Strategic Management
  • Family Business
  • Chinese Management

Recent Publications

  • Chan, J.H.T., Au, A., Ko, A., and Yeung, M. (2019). Linking network centrality to performance revisit: understanding and dealing with simultaneity in the creation of soft innovation. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business. Vol. 19, Issue 1.
  • Lau, Eric K W, Zhao, A & Ko, A (2019). Hybrid Artificial Intelligence B2B2C Business Application – Online Travel Services. 14th International Conference On Knowledge Management In Organisations. July 16. University of Salamanca, Zamora, Spain.

Dr LAW Sau Wai (Samuel)

Research Interests

  • Dispute Resolution
  • Contract Law
  • Banking Law and Practice
  • Finance Law
  • Bank-client relationship
  • Risk & Compliance
  • Financial inclusion
  • Virtual Banking

Recent Publications

  • Ng, D. T. K., Ching, A. C. H., & Law, S. W. (2023). Online learning in management education amid the pandemic: A bibliometric and content analysis. The International Journal of Management Education, 21(2), 100796.
  • Law S. and WONG D. (2023). Opening a Door between PRC and Hong Kong in Insolvency Proceedings: Insight from Re Samson Paper Limited. 2 International Corporate Rescue, 112
  • LAW S. and WU H.F. (2022). Banks Have a Bigger Role to Play in New Mortgage Payment Option pp. 34-39 November / December 2022 Issue, Banking Today (The Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers)
  • LAW, S. and MAK. C. (2022) Hong Kong Association Of Banks Alternative Means Of Payments Of Funds Under Payment Arrangements For Property Transactions (‘PAPT’): Possible Concerns From Banks And Clients October 2022, Hong Kong Lawyers (The Official Journal of the Law Society of Hong Kong). Available at: https://www.hk-lawyer.org/content/hong-kong-association-banks-alternative-means-payments-funds-under-payment-arrangements
  • LAW, S. and MAK, C.H.W., What Should Come after the Implementation of the Mutual Recognition and Assistance in Cross-Border Insolvency between Mainland China and Hong Kong? (August 1, 2022). Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 2022, 37 (9), 331, Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=4193259
  • MAK, C. and LAW, S. (2022). Sovereign Wealth Funds and National Security – Three Purpose of Regulations And Beyond, 12 (1) King’s Student Law Review
  • LAW, S. (2021). Upholding Parental Responsibility by Family Mediation: Revisiting the Role of the Law for Children in Divorce in Hong Kong, Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 241-252. Available at https://doi.org/10.1108/PAP-08-2021-0045
  • LAW, S. (2021). Financial Inclusion and Virtual Bank in the Era of Digitalisation: A Regulatory Case Study in Hong Kong, SocioEconomic Challenges, 5(3), 81-91. Available at https://doi.org/10.21272/sec.5(3).81-91.2021
  • LAW, S. (2021). Enhanced Competency Framework on Operational Risk Management. Module 1 – Ethics and Corporate Governance in Banking Industry: Study Guide, 2021, Hong Kong Institute of Banker.
  • LAW, S. and WONG D., (2021) Could Increasing Regulatory Focus Realise the Inclusive Potential of Virtual Banks? pp, 36-41 July / August 2021 Issue, Banking Today. Available at: https://member.hkib.org/BankingToday/magazine/vqxe2023cvzm_BT_Jul2021/mobile/index.html (subscription required)
  • CHAN, KS and LAW S. (2020). What Should Lawyers Do When the Best of the Two Worlds Collide in Mediation/ Negotiation? November 2020, Hong Kong Lawyers (The Official Journal of the Law Society of Hong Kong). Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4141861


Dr Sau Wai Law (Samuel) holds a PhD in Law from the University of Hong Kong. Before becoming a full-time academia in January 2021, he had more than 14 years of banking experience in Hong Kong, taking up roles in credit risk management, private banking, and strategic planning. His Research Interests are Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance Law, Professional Ethics, Risk & Compliance, Financial inclusion, and Virtual Banking. He is a trainer and course reviewer, on the Certified Banker Programme and the trainer and the study guide writer on the Enhanced Competency Framework in Operational Risk Management and Compliance at the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers. He holds professional qualifications of Financial Risk Manager, Professional Risk Manager and Certified Banker (Credit Risk Management) from the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers. Dr Law also holds a BA (Hons) in Economics, a MSc in Economics for Development, LLB and LLM (ADR). He is an accredited general mediator of HKMAAL and completed the tribunal secretary training programme in HKIAC. His research interests lie in arbitration and dispute resolution, contract law, banking law and bank-client relationships and sustainability issues, particularly with financial inclusion.

Dr LUK Chung Leung

Research Interests

  • International Marketing
  • International Management
  • Business Strategy in Emerging Markets
  • Stakeholder Orientation and Business Performance
  • Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
  • Personality and Consumer Behavior
  • Advertising in China

Recent Publications

  • Luk, C. L., Chow, C. W. C., Wan, W. W. N., Fu, I. S. F., and Fong, C. (2017). An Institutional Perspective on Modernization and Sex-Appeal Advertising. Forthcoming in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
  • Luk, C. L., and Wan, W. W. N. (2017). Chinese Leadership Philosophies in Business Management. Forthcoming in Asian Business and Management. SSCI Impact Factor: 1.133
  • Wan, W. W. N., and Luk, C. L. (2017). A Tripartite Model of Strategic Leadership: The Case of China. Forthcoming in Asian Business and Management. SSCI Impact Factor: 1.133
  • Zhang, L., Wan, W. W. N., Luk, C. L., Tam, V. C. W., and Wu, P. (2016 June). School children’s attributions of intentions for parental behaviors: Development of a measure. Psychological Reports, 118 (3), 1011-1038. SSCI Impact Factor: 0.629
  • Zhang, L., Tam, V. C. W., Wan, W. W. N., Wu, P., and Luk, C. L. (2015). An exploratory study on school children’s intent attributions for parental structuring behaviors. Psychological Reports, 116 (1), 1-25. SSCI Impact Factor: 0.629
  • Wan, W. W. N., Luk, C. L., and Chow, C. W. C. (2014). Consumer responses to sexual advertising: The intersection of modernization, evolution, and international marketing. Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (6), 751-782. [The first two authors contributed equally.] SSCI Impact Factor: 5.869


Dr Luk was trained as a psychologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. His PhD research was on industrial/organizational psychology, with a focus on work motivation. From September 1997 to August 2017, he took up teaching posts at the Department of Marketing, City University of Hong Kong. Since September 2017, he has been the Research Director of International Center on Behavioral Economics. In this role, he is responsible for conducting applied research in the domains of behavioral economics, business, and psychology, with the aim of providing strategic insights for governmental bureaus and private organizations.

In the meantime, Dr Luk has been contributing to international research communities by serving as reviewer and journal editor. He is also an Associate Editor of “Applied Psychology: An International Review” and the Regional (Asia) Editor of “International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets”. He has published more than 30 papers in leading business and psychology journals, including Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. His current research interests are in the areas of In his on-going research projects, he is trying to integrate evolutionary psychology with economic theories to enhance our understanding of consumer and organizational behaviors. He has successfully supervised multiple PhD and MPhil students in these fields to completion.

Dr Patrick LEUNG

Research Interests

  • Accounting and Audit Judgment
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Performance Evaluation
  • Taxation

Recent Publications

  • Lai, K.W. & Leung, P.W. (Forthcoming). Mismatch Improvement through Auditor Change, MAJ – Assurance, Management Performance and Governance. https://doi.org/10.1108/MAJ-02-2022-3457
  • Choong, K.K. & Leung, P.W. (2021). A Critical Review of the Precursors of the Knowledge Economy and Their Contemporary Research: Implications for the Computerized New Economy, Journal of the Knowledge Economy.published online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-021-00734-9, Springer Publishing.
  • Chang, S, Hussein, M.E., Leung, P.W., & Tam, K. (2021). Modeling and Implementing Internal Control Automation in Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research. Vol.12 (1), pp. 29-48.
  • Lee, H., Leung, P.W., Seow, G.S., Tam, K. (2020). The U.S. versus international ethics codes for accountants: A computerized content analysis. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research. 20, pp. 103–134.
  • Lai, K.W. & Leung, P.W. (2018). Unintended consequences of securities regulation: Stock value loss upon potential involuntary delisting in Hong Kong, Global Finance Journal. 37, 291-226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfj.2018.06.001


Dr Leung earned his B.B.A. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, his MCom. and his PhD from the University of New South Wales. He held academic positions at several universities, including University of New South Wales, Charles Sturt University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Dr Leung has widely published in various academic journals of international standing, such as the Accounting, Organizations and Society, Accounting and Finance, Global Finance Journal, Managerial Auditing Journal. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Advances in International Accounting, International Tax Journal, and the International Journal of Digital Accounting Research.

Prof Reuben MONDEJAR

Research Interests

  • Entrepreneurial / Organizational development in HK & China (Economics and Business)
  • Macro-Management of Conflicts within the ASEAN and East Asia countries

Recent Publications


Prof Reuben Mondejar is professor at the IESE Business School in Spain, adjunct professor at the Hong Kong Management Association, and president of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong. He was previously associate professor at City University Hong Kong and served as associate of the US-Japan Program at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. His current academic interests cover international business as they impinge on the various geopolitical and economic integration elements that are relevant to China and the ten countries of Southeast Asia (ASEAN). He is a regular Asian affairs commentator for international news providers CNBC, CCTV (China Central TV and CGTN), BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, & Reuters. He has held visiting academic appointments at Oxford University, Cambridge University, the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, and the Kiel Institute for World Economics. He holds degrees in economics, finance, international studies, and organization theory. He was educated at De La Salle University in Manila, Harvard University in the US, and the IESE Business School (University of Navarre) in Spain. Prof Mondejar is the author or co-author of eight books. His articles have appeared in the popular press, as well as prestigious academic journals.

Professor Mohan TANNIRU

Research Interests

  • Information Technology Management
  • Digital Leadership and Transformation
  • Health Care Innovation and Informatics
  • Decision Modeling
  • Knowledge Based Systems and AI
  • Integrating Practice with Theory
  • Project Management

Recent Publications

  • Tanniru, M.R.; Woo, C.; Dutta, K. A (2023) Conceptual Model to Share Resources and Align Goals: Building Blockchain Application to Support Care Continuity Outside a Hospital. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 247. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm16040247
  • Jiban Khuntia, Terence Saldanha, Abhishek Kathuria & Mohan Rao Tanniru (2022) Digital service flexibility: a conceptual framework and roadmap for digital business transformation, European Journal of Information Systems, Sept. https://doi.org/10.1080/0960085X.2022.2115410
  • Saini, V., M. Tanniru, TP Liang, E. Yoder, Y. Yang (2022) E-Relationship Through a Value Lens—Implications for Organizational Capability, e-Service Journal, Volume 14, Number 1, Fall 2022, pp. 1-31
  • Tanniru, M. (2021) Transforming Public Health Using Value Lens and Extended Partner Networks, Learning Health Systems Journal, Jan. 5 (1).
  • Tanniru, Mohan R., Nimit Agarwal, Amanda Sokan, and Salim Hariri (2021) An Agile Digital Platform to Support Population Health—A Case Study of a Digital Platform to Support Patients with Delirium Using IoT, NLP, and AI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 11: 5686. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115686
  • Tanniru, Mohan Rao and Robert Tanniru (2020) Designing and Adapting Services to Create Value Outside a Hospital Using Blockchain Architecture: Care Delivery in Patient Ecosystem, IJRDIS vol.2, no.1, pp.44-67.
  • Jesús Peral, Eduardo Gallego, David Gil, Mohan Tanniru, Prashant Khambekar (2020) Using Visualization to Build Transparency in a Healthcare Blockchain Application, Sustainability, MDPI, Open Access Journal, vol. 12(17), pages 1-20, August.
  • Tanniru, Mohan Rao and Robert Tanniru (2020) Designing and Adapting Services to Create Value Outside a Hospital Using Blockchain Architecture: Care Delivery in Patient Ecosystem, IJRDIS vol.2, no.1, pp.44-67.
  • Plum, A., M. Tanniru and J. Khuntia (2020) An Innovation Platform for Diffusing Public Health Practices across a Global Network, Health Policy and Technology, Feb, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlpt.2020.02.008
  • S. Lim, D. Yim, J. Khuntia and M. Tanniru (2020) A Continuous-Time Markov Chain Model-based Business Analytics Approach for Estimating Patient Transition States in an Online Health Infomediary, Decision Sciences, Vol. 51, Issue 1, February, 181-208.


Prof Mohan Tanniru is the Adjunct Professor in the Division of Public Health Practice and Translational Research in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, U of Arizona, Tucson/Phoenix and a senior investigator in the Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, MI. He is a Fulbright Scholar to Canada in Fall 2023 also an emeritus professor of MIS of Oakland University. He was the former Dean of the School of Business and the founding director of Applied Technology of Business Program at Oakland University, and the Dept. Head of MIS at U of Arizona. He taught at the U of Arizona, Oakland University, Syracuse U, and U of Wisconsin-Madison. His research covers areas like knowledge/decision support, IT strategy and systems and service modeling, digital health and healthcare leadership and management. He has published over 100 research articles and his work has appeared in journals such as ISR, MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, DSS, JMIS, IEEE Transactions in Eng. Management, Expert Systems and Applications, Information and Management, CACM, as well as Health Policy and Technology, J of Patient Satisfaction, J of Healthcare Management and J of Healthcare Administration. He worked with several hospitals like Beaumont Health Systems, Ascension/Providence, Henry Ford Health System and St Joseph Mercy Health System/Trinity all in Michigan, and many major business organizations such as GM, Chrysler, Ford, Compuware, HP/EDS, Honeywell, Intel, SAP, and Raytheon among others.

Dr Alice TE

Research Interests

  • Higher Education
  • Executive Education and Training
  • Human Resources Management
  • Business Management
  • Marketing

Recent Publications

  • Te, A.Y.C. (2022). Choosing Chinese Universities: A Negotiated Choice for Hong Kong Students, Routledge, UK & US, 204 pages. https://www.routledge.com/Choosing-Chinese-Universities-A-Negotiated-Choice-for-Hong-Kong-Students/Te/p/book/9781032022741
  • Te, A.Y.C. (2022, September). Human Resources Risk Management for Public Organizations during and post-COVID period. Presented at EGPA 2022 Conference, Asia-Europe Dialogue – HR development, skills promotion, reforms of public sector personnel system in digital age & post-COVID period, 7-9 September, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Te, A.Y.C. and Postiglione, G.A. (2022). Editorial of Special Issue on Education in Higher education in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area. Asian Education and Development Studies, 11(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-01-2022-289
  • Te, A.Y.C. (2022). Trans-contextualized cross-border student choice under “one country, two systems” from Hong Kong to Mainland China for higher education. Asian Education and Development Studies, 11(1), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-04-2020-0057
  • Te, A.Y.C. (2019, April). Why and how Hong Kong students crossing border to study in Mainland universities – a case of east-east student mobility. Proceedings of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference 2019, San Francisco, U.S.
  • Te, A.Y.C. (2018, April). Hong Kong Students Crossing Border to Public Universities in Mainland China as Pragmatic Opportunists. Proceedings of American Educational Research Association (AREA) Annual Meeting 2018, New York City, U.S.
  • Te, A.Y.C., & Postiglione, G.A. (2018). Hong Kong students entering Mainland China universities: a review of the admission scheme. Public Administration and Policy, 21(1), 50-67. https://doi.org/10.1108/PAP-06-2018-003
  • Postiglione, G.A., Ma, Y., & Te, Y.C. (2017). Institutionalizing liberal education in China: Obstacles and challenges. In Godwin, K. A., & Pickus, N. (Eds.), Liberal arts and sciences innovation in China: Six recommendations to shape the future. (pp. 49-59). US: Boston College Center for International Higher Education.
  • Te, Y.C. (2017, September). A Study of the Impacts and Implications of an Innovative Admission Scheme for Hong Kong Students to Study in Universities in Mainland China. Proceedings of 2017 EROPA Conference on the Role of Public Governance in Achieving SDGs, Seoul, Korea.
  • Te, Y.C. (2016). Literature Review on International Student Choice: Reverse Flow of Students Studying in Mainland China. Research Studies in Education, 14, 77-89, Hong Kong.
  • Qin, Y., & Te, Y.C. (2016). Cross-Border Higher Education in China: How the Field of Research Has Developed. Chinese Education & Society, 49(4-5), 303-323. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611932.2016.1237851
  • Postiglione, G.A., Qin, Y., & Te, Y.C. (2016). Hong Kong’s Cross-System University Partnerships. Chinese Education and Society, 49(4-5), 288-302. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611932.2016.1237850
  • Te, Y.C., & Fong, P. (2014). A Study on the Application of Outcome-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Hong Kong. Presented at Conference on Self-financing Tertiary Education: The Way Forward, Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education, 13 November 2014.
  • Te, Y.C., & Fong, P. (2014). An examination of the critical success factors for Hong Kong’s universities to set up branch campuses in Mainland China. Presented at 16th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, HKIED, 5 December 2014.
  • Te, Y.C., & Postiglione, G.A. (2014). Two Systems Academic Collaboration in Higher Education. Presented at the University Presidents Roundtable (Shenzhen) and the 5th Annual Conference on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, Xiamen University’s Research Center of Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, 11 November 2014.


Dr Alice Te received her PhD in Education and B.Soc.Sc. in Management from The University of Hong Kong, and M.A. in Training and Human Resource Development from the University of Technology Sydney. She is the Managing Editor of Public Administration and Policy – An Asia Pacific Journal published by Emerald in UK. She serves as Vice President for Journal Publication and Honorary Secretary of Hong Kong Public Administration Association, and an advisor of the GBA Convergence Association.

She is a part-time Lecturer of HKU Faculty of Education, a Visiting Lecturer of Hong Kong Polytechnic University CPCE, and Postdoctoral Research Associate at HKU CHERA. She teaches Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, Human Resources Management, Professional Certificate Course on Human Resource Risk Management and Governance, and etc.

Her research interest focuses on higher education polices, international student mobility, cross-border higher education, education in China’s Greater Bay Area, human resources management. Her book Choosing Chinese Universities: A Negotiated Choice for Hong Kong Students was published by Routledge in 2022. Her paper “Hong Kong Students Entering Mainland China Universities: A Review of the Admission Scheme” published in Public Administration and Policy won the Emerald Literati Award – 2019 Highly Commended Award. Another paper was awarded the Top Ten Best Research of “2022 The First Fudan University Education Research of International Doctoral Researcher Forum”.

She was Assistant Director of Executive Programmes, HKU Business School, and Deputy Programme Director of PhD and MBA Programmes, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, operated by Hong Kong Financial Services Institute. Before joining the academia, as a columnist of Jiu Jik magazine under South China Morning Post, she published over 450 articles on “Workplace English”. She broadcast over 90 video clips on “Workplace English in One Minute” in HK Economic Journal’s Topick website. In her early career, she was a Sales and Marketing professional in various corporations, including Hong Kong Telecom and IBM.

She is the Director of Studies supervising DBA students at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David operated by Hong Kong Management Association, and examiner of the doctoral oral examination board.

Professor Wendy WAN

Research Interests

  • International Marketing
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Strategic Marketing

Recent Publications

  • Luk, C. L., Chow, C., Wan, Wendy W. N., Lai, J.Y.M., Fu, I., and Fong, C.P.S. (2017). An Institutional Perspective on Modernization and sex-appeal advertising. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 29 (2)
  • Zhang, L., Wan, Wendy W. N., Luk, C. L., Tam, V. C. W., and Wu, P. (2016). School Children’s attributions of intentions for parental behaviors: development of a measurement. Psychological Reports. 118 (3), 1011-1038.
  • Zhang, L., Tam, V. C. W., Wan, Wendy W. N., Wu, P., and Luk, C. L. (2015). An exploratory study on school children’s intent attributions for parental structuring behaviors. Psychological Reports. 116 (1),1-25.
  • Wan, Wendy W. N., Luk, C. L., and Chow, C. (2014). Consumer responses to sexual advertising: The intersection of modernization, evolution, and international marketing. Journal of International Business Studies. 45,715-782
  • Chiu, C. Y., Chia, S. I., & Wan, Wendy W. N. (2014). Measures of Cross-Cultural Values, Personality and Beliefs. In Boyle, G. J., D. H. Salofske , G. Matthews (Eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. Ch. 22, 621-651. Academic Press U.K.


Prof Wan received her PhD in Social and Personality Psychology from The University of Hong Kong. Her expertise is in application of psychological principles to solving problems related to international business and consumer marketing. As an active researcher, she has been publishing her works in top tier international journals, such as JPSP and JIBS; and has received awards from renowned publishers. She has taught at Bond University, Australia; the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Wu (Vienna University of Economics and Business); Sun Yat-sen University (Mainland China); and was a visiting scholar at Yale University and Tokyo University. She is currently a full-time faculty member of Tunghai University (Taiwan); Visiting Scholar of MIB School of Management (Italy), the Executive Director of The Center of Behavior Economics of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences and the Supervisor of the PhD. Program of International School of Management, France.

As a business consultant, Prof Wan has been offering consultancy services to government and business entities since 1996. Her clients include Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Sun Hung Kei Properties; China Construction Bank, PPF Group, HSBC, New York Life Insurance Company, American Express Card, Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, GlaxoSmithKline, Blackmores, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Midea Group, CP Lotus, AmInBev, Jacuzzi, Calligaris, BP and ANZ.

Dr Shirley YEUNG
IEMA approved Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner, Experienced ISO9000 Principal Auditor, AQIP Assessor, US, HKCAAVQ Subject Specialist and Lead auditor of HKQAA, Hong Kong in 2000s

Research Interests

  • Sustainable development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Quality Management
  • Transformations and Innovations
  • Marketing and Management

Recent Publications

  • Yeung, S.M.C., (2021, February). Skills for Resilience via SDGs and Transformative Mindset. Mauritius: LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
  • Yeung, S.M.C., (2021, March). Sustainability Impacts with UNSDGs and STEAM Mindset post COVID-19. Mauritius: LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
  • Yeung, S.M.C., (2020, January). Future talent via UNSDGs. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
  • Yeung, S.M.C., Ying, Jessica (2020, January). Community culture for impacts via UNSDGs. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Mauritius.


Dr Shirley Yeung was named Pioneer Professor of Sustainability in the AIM2Flourish, the Asia Ambassador, Sustainability Mindset working Group of the UN PRME and the UN Global Compact.

In 2021, officially appointed by UNSDSG-Kenya and INCENECDEV as Asia Ambassador and Brand Ambassador; and nominated as Global Sustainability Professional in 2020.

In 2019, Dr Yeung obtained The Best Professor in Business Studies, HK Education Leadership Award, Hong Kong.

In 2018, Dr Yeung awarded “The Outstanding Global Leader with Impacts – Woman Award, 2018”, TonggenTongmeng, Beijing, China. In the same year, Dr Yeung was also nominated for Pioneer UNSDGs, UN Global Compact.

Professor Leslie S YIP

Research Interests

  • B2B and B2C relationship management
  • Corporate reputation management, brand management, and PR Communication Management
  • ESG management
  • Education and training, and the nature of work in the AI Generated Content (AIGC) era.

Recent Publications

  • Lee, L., Yip, L., Chan, K., and Barnes, B. (2022). Managing Media Relationships Among Asian Organizations: A Grounded Theory Approach. Asian Journal of Business Research, Vol.12, Issue 2, 48-67.
  • Tsui, P., Lau, C., Lee, A., Wong, W., Yip, L., (2020) The Use of Innovative Customer Relationship Management Technologies for Developing a Framework for Health Education of Ageing Population in Hong Kong. Hong, C. and Ma W. (Eds), Applied Degree Education and the Future of Work. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore, 2-21.
  • Lee, L., Yip, L. and Chan, K. (2018). An Exploratory Study to Conceptualize Press Engagement Behavior with Public Relations Practitioners. Public Relations Review, Vol. 44, Issue 4, (November), 490-500.
  • Lee, L., Tang, Y., Yip, L., and Sharma, P. (2018). Managing Customer Relationships in the Emerging Markets – Guanxi as a Driver of Chinese Customer Loyalty. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 86, (May), 356-365.


B.A. (Leeds University, UK), MA (Lancaster University UK), PhD (Curtin University, Western Australia).

Prof Leslie Yip is currently the advisor to the Lifewood Academy, Lifewood Data Technology Limited. Prof Yip had spent 40 years in academia in the higher education institutes in Hong Kong.Prior to joining Lifewood, he was the Honorary Professor, Professor, Associate Dean, and HoD of the Faculty of Management and Hospitality, the Technological and Higher Education Institution of Hong Kong (Vocational Training Council). Before that, he was affiliated with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business which he had been an academic faculty member for more than 30 years. He had published his research in Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Retailing, European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing Review, Journal of Brand Management, Public Relations Review, Tourism Management and others.

Professor Eddie YU

Research Interests

  • Holistic Leadership and Management
  • Strategic Management
  • International Business and Management

Recent Publications

  • Yu, E. (2021) ‘An analysis of China’s strategy in combating the coronavirus pandemic with the 3H framework’, Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal, 24(1), pp. 76-91.
  • Cheung, H.Y. and Yu, E. (2020) ‘A review of the strategic planning process in the Hong Kong Police Force’, Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal, 23(3), pp. 245-258.


Prof Eddie Yu graduated from Durham University (MSc, Management), England, University of Wollongong (PhD) and University of Newcastle (DBA), Australia. He is currently an Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong Management Association, Emeritus Associate Professor of Management, City University of Hong Kong.

In the past three decades, Eddie has taught undergraduate and postgraduate management related courses, supervised and examined over a dozen of doctoral theses. He was awarded CityU’s Teaching Excellence Award in 1995. He was also the recipients of The Best Case Writer of the Year Award in Hong Kong in 1991, the Best Case Analysis of the Year Award in 2000, the Best Paper Award in an international conference on marketing innovation and strategic management in 2009, and CityU’s Interdisciplinary Professional Development Award in 2013.

Eddie was appointed as a specialist by the HKCAAVQ and vetted over a dozen of degree and sub-degree programmes. He served as external examiner/advisor roles for The Open University’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the past two decades. His consulting and executive training services include leadership, global strategic management, balanced scorecard, and new product development. A selected clients list includes: HSBC, PwC Consulting, Dragonair, Philips, New World Telephone, Hong Kong Electric, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong Policy Force, Hong Kong Ferry, Hong Kong Electric, Shanghai Automobiles, Hong Kong Resorts, and Hong Kong Scouts Association. Before joining the academe, Eddie worked with Hewlett-Packard, American Express and several local-based international firms for 14 years. His last position was a group general manager.

Eddie was appointed as Associate Director for an externally funded of $2-million project on social innovation and entrepreneurship – Project Flame. He was also a co-developer of a Standard Chartered funded project for developing a comprehensive accreditation scheme for Hong Kong social enterprises – Social Enterprises Endorsement Mark (SEE Mark). The SEE Mark scheme has now been adopted by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises for accrediting quality social enterprises.




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