The two awards judging criteria are based on the world-famous Baldrige Excellence Framework and its spirit.
The framework upholds below core values and concepts:
The framework assesses performance in seven key categories:'
“Integration” is the fundamental emphasis of the framework. The figure below illustrates how the framework connects and integrates the criteria categories.
From top to bottom, the framework has the following basic elements:
Your Organizational Profile (top of figure) sets the context for the way your organization operates. Your environment, key working relationships, and strategic challenges and advantages serve as an overarching guide for your organizational performance management system.
The system operations are composed of the six Baldrige Categories in the center of the figure that define your operations, and the results you achieve.
Leadership (Category 1.0), Strategy (Category 2.0), and Customers (Category 3.0) represent the leadership triad. These Categories are placed together to emphasize the importance of a leadership focus on strategy and customers. Senior leaders set your organizational direction and seek future opportunities for your organization.
Workforce (Category 5.0), Operations (Category 6.0), and Results (Category 7.0) represent the results triad. Your organization's workforce and key processes accomplish the work of the organization that yields your overall performance results.
All actions point toward Results - a composite of product and service, customer, market and financial, and internal operational performance results, including workforce, leadership, governance, and social responsibility results.
The horizontal arrow in the center of the framework links the leadership triad to the results triad, a linkage critical to organizational success. Furthermore, the arrow indicates the central relationship between Leadership (Category 1.0) and Results (Category 7.0). The two-headed arrow indicates the importance of feedback in an effective performance management system.
Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (Category 4.0) are critical to the effective management of your organization and to a fact-based, knowledge-driven system for improving performance and competitiveness. Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management serve as a foundation for the performance management system.