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Judging Process

Submission of Entry Form
(Deadline: Monday, 24 March 2025)
All participating organizations have to submit an Entry Form.
Submission of Written Submission
(Deadline: Friday, 25 April 2025)
All participating organizations are required to submit a five-page write-up in English on their training and development programmes.

The submission can be supplemented with a short video without any animation or special effects, showcasing highlights of the programme. It is highly recommended to use mobile devices to create the video. The video could be in English, Cantonese or Putonghua. If Cantonese or Putonghua is used, English subtitles should be provided.
Review of Written Submission by Board of Examiners and Selection of Finalists and Special Awards Recipients
Based on the written submissions, ten finalists as well as recipients of all the Special Awards, will be decided by the Board of Examiners.
Final Presentation SeminarSeminar
(Thursday, 21 August 2025)
The ten finalists will share their programmes and practices at the Final Presentation Seminar which will be a one-day open-to-public seminar. The finalists of Campaign Awards can have a maximum of two representatives presenting at the Final Presentation Seminar. Each finalist will be invited to give a 20-minute presentation in English* followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer session before a Panel of Adjudicators who will decide on the winners of Gold, Silver, Bronze Awards and Excellence Awards.
The scores given by the Board of Examiners during the first-round judging and the Panel of Adjudicators during the Final Presentation Seminar will carry 30% and 70% respectively of the final weighting.

Recipients of the HR Professionals’ Favourite Campaign and Youth’s Most Favourite Campaign will be decided by the number of votes received from participants during the Final Presentation Seminar.
Award Presentation Ceremony
(Tuesday, 30 September 2025)
The Award Presentation Ceremony will be held during the Susan Yuen Memorial Lecture and all the results of the Awards will be announced.

* Presentation could be conducted in Putonghua for entries from Mainland enterprises.