About HKMA

About HKMA

Executive Director's Message

“Welcome to The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) – your gateway to management training and education opportunities and information on the latest management trends and development.”

Ms Titania Woo

Mission and History

Early in 1960, a delegation of six from Hong Kong, headed by the Honourable Sir Sik-nin Chau, attended the 12th International Congress of Scientific Management held in Australia. The delegation returned with the conviction that Hong Kong, having achieved an industrial revolution of some note, must keep abreast of management theory and application developing throughout the world.

The idea, thus conceived and with the encouragement of the Hong Kong Government, led to the incorporation of the Association on 22 November 1960.

Organization Structure

The Hong Kong Management Association is governed by the Council, which comprises eminent persons from industry, commerce and education. The Chairman of the Council and the Association is currently Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP.

The Executive Committee is empowered by the Council to supervise in detail the affairs of the Association.


Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP
Chairman of HKMA

The Council is the governing body of the Association. It comprises eminent persons from industry, commerce and education. The Chairman of the Council and the Association is currently Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP.

Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP
Chairman of HKMA

The Council is the governing body of the Association. It comprises eminent persons from industry, commerce and education. The Chairman of the Council and the Association is currently Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP.


Committees advise on the Association’s various programmes and assist in organizing them. The development of management in Hong Kong owes much to the public-spiritedness and enthusiasm of those who generously give their time and expertise to the Association through membership of these 10 Programme Advisory Committees.

Why the HKMA?

Discover why the HKMA is the association you can trust for your further studies and your career advancement.

Annual Report

The Annual Report casts light on HKMA’s workings and achievements in the previous year.

The Annual Report casts light on HKMA’s workings and achievements in the previous year.

Asian Association of Management Organizations

The Hong Kong Management Association is a member of the Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO).

is a partnership of National Management Organizations (NMO) in the Asian Region whose purpose is to share and actively leverage resources to enhance the achievement of their respective missions. AAMO is an independent, non-political and not-for-profit Association of NMOs, which promotes, facilitates and supports the development of professional management in the Asia Pacific Region. The current 9 regions of AAMO include Australia and New Zealand; Hong Kong, India, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka.

The activities of AAMO are aimed at but not limited to establishing and maintaining active links between NMOs, providing a framework for facilitating the widest range of bilateral initiatives and networking across NMOs in the region and beyond. It facilitates sharing of resources, knowledge and regional information in support of today’s interconnected management world and the demand for ready access to up-to-date management information, thinking and views. It organizes and conducts specific (non-competitive) management programs, supported by the NMOs. With its presence, AAMO adds an international dimension to activities and image of NMOs.

Institute of Advanced Management Development

The Institute of Advanced Management Development (AMD) was established on 1 May 2015 to offer advanced management programmes for top executive development and management consulting services with a view to making significant contribution to the growth of Hong Kong’s human capital and of the economy locally and regionally.

Institute of Healthcare Management

The Institute of Healthcare Management (HCM) was established in March 2017 to offer world-class healthcare management programmes and to serve as a learned platform for healthcare professional development with a view to making significant contribution to advancing management excellence in the healthcare sector in Hong Kong and the Region.

Academy for Innovation and Management

With a vision to be a leading institution with significant contribution to innovation and management, the objectives of the AIM are to nurture innovative talents, to provide a platform where talents and elites can gather and exchange innovative ideas as well as to promote a culture of innovation and best practices amongst different business sectors and across industries. A series of education and training programmes and events will be organized so as to nurture more talents for Hong Kong and the region.

HKMA Global Centre for ESG Education and Research

Established in November 2021, the HKMA Global Centre for ESG Education and Research (GC-ESG) has a mandate to advance environmental, social, and governance (ESG) education and research for management and executives in support of Hong Kong’s sustainable development and strategic positioning as a global green finance centre in the region.

Adjunct Professors

Adjunct Professor is an academic appointment reserved for those top-rated teaching fellows who have made significant contributions to the academic and professional development activities of the HKMA. The appointment also provides a formal recognition with a respected title for the association with the HKMA.

Press Release

Business with Purpose

Purpose /ˈpəːpəs/, to most, relates to a search of the reason why and what something or someone is to become. In recent years, “purpose” is also emerging as a competitive advantage and a powerful way to blend business and society, where companies with an established sense of purpose – measured by social impact – were seen to significantly outperform the S&P 500 by over 1,000% over 15 years (EY / Harvard Business Review, 2016). The business case for “purpose” becomes increasingly clear, but building it to inspire stakeholders and trust is more than just creating a mission statement in the office.

In February 2021, the “Business with Purpose” platform was formed through an Impact Partnership between The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) and Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk). It is united by our common vision to support corporate and social leaders in redefining sustainability, while reinforcing a shared mission to embed PURPOSE in action for a better collective future for HKMA’s members and the wider business community.

Community Services

In order to cultivate the sense of belonging and raise the social awareness among co-workers, the Hong Kong Management Association encourages co-workers to take part in a wide range of charitable and voluntary activities.

Secondary Schools

Since 1990, Council Members of the Association had expressed great concern over the deteriorating calibre of secondary school students. It was felt that the best solution to help improve the calibre of graduates was by influencing the Government on policy issues related to the secondary school curriculum and school management.

Job Opportunities


Main Office 2766 3303 hkma@hkma.org.hk
General Enquiry 3468 6023
3468 6024
3468 6025
2774 8500

Learning Centres

14/F Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong